Sunday, August 05, 2007



or 'The Cool Tyranny' is here.
(Big Brother is OK, and anyone that rocks the boat is an enemy of The State.)
Benevolent: Harmless
Dictatorship: What I say goes! You know, it's for your good, you know?
Neo-Patriots, Neo-Cons, Neo-Lliberals, the uninformed, and the heavily sedated say....Aye, Aye, Sir.
The Government's authority is overshadowing its citizens liberties.
Security is the first priority of the government, not withstanding the freedoms of its constituents.
SECURITY>SECURITY>SECURITY: Repeat the Mantra. It's contagious, it's comforting.
The popular cries are for patriotism: Death to the Islamofascist Pigs.
Just gives us our guns, liquor, our Ritalin, Prozac, and our decadently-violent entertainment.
You know, Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll, and we'll be fine.

Everyone is not above suspicion. What ever happened to the concept of innocent until proven guilty?
It was proposed by the Commander in Chief that we should have anonymous (snitches) informers.
Cuba has them; A government informant on every block. Hey, why should we be (no child) left behind?
The Homeland's (Patria) secutiry is sovereign; All other issues are second to the State's perpetuation.

The President asks for intrusive laws to affect/restrict the quality of privacy and the pursuit of happiness of Americans relentlessly, and the Legislators oblige him, hook, line, and sinker.

Where are the checks and balances that are inherent in the Republic's separation of Legislative, Executive, and Judicial powers? Beats me!
They're all of the same philosophy (World-view), and are working toward the same goal: 'A Benevolent Dictatorship'; Which will be a major player in a BRAVE NEW WORLD: aka a revival of the Mid-Evil (medieval) Ages. Or the long awaited Millenium of Peace, by force. Oh, no? Just wait, you'll see.

Other Players on board for this End-Game:

Federal Reserve Bank ( It's not federal and there are no reserves! )
Internal Revenue Service
Council on Foreign Relations
Royal Institute of International Affairs
The Round Table
The Trilateral Commision
Club of Rome
International Monetary Fund
World Bank
United Nations
European Union
Rothschilds (diverse interests)
World Council of Churches
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Knights of Malta
Knights of Columbus
Skull & Bones
Opus Dei
Jesuits... These are just a few....There are many, many others...
All are working for the same ultimate goal: To pay homage to the Dragon.

The Ten Commandments display was removed from the Alabama Supreme Court building. There was a good reason for the move: You can't post Thou Shalt Not Steal, Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery and Thou Shall Not Lie, in a building full of politicians and lawyers without creating a hostile work environment. ---- from anonymous Email

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