Tuesday, May 06, 2008



Pronunciation: [thEos´ufE] (key)

[Gr.,=divine wisdom], philosophical system having affinities with mysticism
and claiming insight into the nature of God
and the world through direct
knowledge, philosophical speculation, or some physical proce
ss. This
system of thought differs from many other philosophical positions in that it
begins with an assumption of the absolute reality of the essence of God,
from which it deduces the essentially spiritual nature of the universe. Other
assumptions frequently found in theosophical doctrine are that God is the
transcendent source of all being and all good; that evil exists in the world
because of human desire for finite goods and may be overcome by
complete absorption in the infinite; and that sacred writings and doctrines
are interpreted through allegory. This is the position of much speculative
mysticism. However, mysticism generally confines itself to the soul's
relation to God, while the theosophist uses these theories to formulate a
complete philosophy of humanity and nature.


The Neoplatonists, the Gnostics, and the kabbalists are generally
considered types of theosophists. Jakob Boehme, regarded as the father
of modern theosophy, developed a complete theosophical system
attempting to reconcile the existence of an all-powerful and all-good God
with the presence of evil in the world. The philosophy and theology of
Asia, especially of India, contain a vast body of theosophical doctrine.
Modern theosophy draws much of its vocabulary from Indian sources.
The Theosophical Society, with which theosophy is now generally
identified, was founded in 1875 by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky; associated
with her were H. S. Olcott and W. Q. Judge. Blavatsky wrote The Secret
Doctrine (1888, repr. 1964) and Key to Theosophy (1931, rev. ed.
1969). An active exponent of theosophy in Europe, America, and the East
was Annie Besant, who added many works to the literature on the subject.

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Fifth Edition Copyright ©1993, Columbia
University Press. Licensed from Inso Corporation. All rights reserved.


Source: http://www.kheper.net/topics/Theosophy/Theosophy.htm

P.S. Bolds and Highlights added for emphasis. Blogman.