Sunday, March 08, 2009

First Law of Self Preservation Is to Expel Jesuits From U.S.

First Law of Self Preservation Is to Expel Jesuits From U.S.

Mar 3, 2009

New York Times reports, according to Episcopal Bishop Cleveland Coxe, First Law of Self Preservation Is to Expel Jesuits From U.S.

Coxe goes on to say Pope’s motives and his directives come from the Jesuits

By Greg Szymanski, JD
Mar. 3, 2009

Cleveland Coxe, Episcopal Bishop of Western New York, recently was the center of a scathing article about how he knows the Jesuit Order is trying to infiltrate and under mind the U.S. Constitution.

Coxe wrote a letter which appeared in the New York Times directed at the shenanigans of a Roman Catholic archbishop trying to direct and control politicians in New York.

In the article, Coxe went on to say the Pope was under complete control of the Jesuit Order, saying all his motives are supplied by the Jesuits and all his acts are responsive to their direction.

The article appeared without censorship in the Dec 13, 1893, edition of the Times.

Considering the 600 year methodical approach taken by the Jesuits since the Order’s inception to bring about a world under Papal control, the article appearing in the Times could be considered recent history.

Today, however, Coxe’s anti-Jesuit letter would never be allowed to appear because the Times support the Vatican’s New World Order agenda and Protestant ministers have become cowards when it comes to exposing the Vatican as the beast in Revelations bent upon creating a one world fascist government and a one world religion with a single dictator.

Here is the article about Coxe’s anti-Jesuit statements directed to Francis Satolli, titular Archbishop of Lepanto, Monsignor, and Delegate of Pope Leo XIII, to the United States.

Cleveland Coxe, Episcopal Bishop of Western New York, has written another open letter to Satolli. He begins his communication by saying:

American people are beginning to understand that you represent a Court and not a religion and that the Court of the Vatican is ruled, not by Pious Leo, but by the most formidable political machine that ever disturbed the peace of nations.

The Bishop explains this somewhat startling statement by the declaration that the Pope is completely under the control of the Jesuits. Satolli himself, he says, is the agent in the United States of this same Society of Jesus, meddling in politics, instead of sticking to matters of religion, intriguing and conspiring for the control of the illiterate and alien mass of voters and arraying it against the intelligent American people.

“Balance of power,” says the Bishop, “is thus placed in the clutch of the Jesuits and they have well-nigh ceased to play with us like kittens with velvet caresses; already we feel their claws.”

The Bishop then goes on to discuss the character of the Jesuit Society and sketches its history. Its history, he says, is a history of intrigues, frauds, conspiracies, assassinations and terrible wars. Continuing, he says:

All the Roman Catholic governments were forced to expel the Jesuits as the first law of self preservation. Finally, they united in an appeal to Clement XIV to suppress and abolish them accordingly. Infallibility itself is not infallible apart from Jesuit inspiration. They found means to restore themselves and here they are among us, practicing on the defenseless features of our Constitution, which they only admire because it gives them every facility for destroying it.

The Society of Jesus, the Bishop says, is a conspiracy not a Church and to this he adds:

“While the conspiracy is permitted to assail the dearest rights of Americans, there can be no peace or harmony or good neighborhood among us. Subject them to law or expel the whole “Society” and we can dwell together as fellow Christians.

As a specification of his general charge Bishop Coxe points to the course of recent events in Buffalo, referring particularly to Satolli’s visit there and his open affiliation with the detestable element in the citizenship that is headed by Lt. Gov. Sheehan. The Bishop points to some of the outrageous acts of the Sheehan Party and declares his belief that behind Sheehan has been operating secretly the malignant influence of the Jesuits.

“You and your retinue of dignitaries made common cause with this offender,” he says to Satolli. Then he goes on:

The “Constitution” according to Sheehan! Hear it, American freemen and to know what it means read the real history of our State; the history of Buffalo; the history of the great metropolis, hoisting a foreign flag over its City Hall and sending a national vessel to land you on our shores; the history of our National Treasure and Indian missions; the history of the City of Washington and the lobby that intimidates the Senate and the Representatives; the history of the Jesuit conspiracy.

“I close this letter,” says the Bishop, “with the words of George Washington.”

‘”Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, I conjure you to listen to me, fellow citizen, the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most harmful foes of a republican government.’”
