Thursday, March 04, 2010

The Greatest Conspiracy Theory

For the last few years I've noticed a growing popularity in the use of the term "Conspiracy Theory", for everything that certain interested parties would rather permit to remain a mystery. With this paramount classification the powers that be attempt to explain away all the strange phenomenon that thinking individuals can see the facts don't jibe with the flimsy fabrications provided by the media and propaganda outlets.

Some wonder what is the greatest conspiracy that there ever was?

It was not the single bullet, single gunman theory of the John F. Kennedy Assassination? Or, the Warren Commission's findings?

It wasn't the unwarranted collapse of WTC Building no. 7? Or the 911 Kean - Hamilton Commission's conclusions?

Those that are suspicious of the cheesy investigations and excuses are called "Conspiracy Theorists", or "Conspiracy Nut Cases". Besides all the bum data that passes for truth in the world, the real Conspiracies are in plain sight for all to see; and no one even notices them. Such is the case of the greatest Conspiracy Theory that there ever was: The Theory of Evolution; It first reared it's ugly head in the early Twentieth Century in United States Public Schools; since then it has spread like melaleuca:

Melaleucas were introduced to Florida in the United States in the early 20th century to assist in drying out swampy land and as garden plants. Once widely planted in Florida, it formed dense thickets and displaced native vegetation on 391,000 acres (1,580 km2) of wet pine flatwoods, sawgrass marshes, and cypress swamps in the southern part of the state. [It is prohibited by DEP and listed as a noxious weed by FDACS.[7].]...

It's gone viral

While modern society has fundamentally rejected the thought of the existence of God and Creation; Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution has been accepted as gospel truth. We see it in every school, museum, magazine, text book, the media, and even in the pulpit. Yet, it can never be proven by the scientific method; therefore it isn't true! This is why I believe that the Theory of Evolution is a fraud, a sham, and the greatest Conspiracy Theory ever perpetrated on mankind.

Evolution = Evilution


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