Friday, June 04, 2010

Just Do It

Giant Shears,

Jump Shot,


I'm Furious...

BP is going to be around for a long time...

A giant Funnel,

The president is going back to the Gulf Coast,

Everyday for the past 45 days (actually seems as forever) they have been chattering on the radio and on the Internet about what they will do to stop the "mysterious" explosion/leak of the deep water horizon platform.
Well, I say just fix it! Stop all the gratuitous propaganda. As the catchy Nike cliche states: Just Do It!

Or, as the recent 'country' metaphor goes: Git 'er done!

No more real time "Puppy Cams"...

No more chit chat; There are hundreds of news worthy occurrences that are being glossed over in order to cover (24 o' 7) this Non-News (publicity stunt) event.


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