Thursday, July 08, 2010

Guilty Pleas from all 10 Russian Spies, Heading Home Tonight

Anna Chapman(Courtesy) FACEBOOK

Largest Spy Swap Between the U.S. and Russia Since the Cold War

July 8, 2010

All 10 Russian spies arrested last week in one the biggest spy ring busts in recent history pleaded guilty today in a New York court to conspiracy to act as unregistered agents of a foreign country. They are headed home to Russia tonight in the first spy swap between the U.S. and Russia in 24 years.

American and Russian diplomats negotiate high stakes exchange of spies.Before their guilty pleas, the 10 spies met with Russian diplomats to discuss the life they'd have when they returned to Russia, according to their attorneys.

In the case of Vicky Pelaez, believed to be the only spy not born in Russia, her attorney told the court that she has been given special assurances from the Russian government that she would be given free housing in Russia, a monthly stipend of $2000 for life, visas with her children, and an all-expense paid trip for her children to travel to Russia.

Robert Baum, an attorney for Anna Chapman, said she is "happy to get out of jail" and may move to Britain after being sent home to Russia today. The 28-year-old redhead beauty made international headlines with her femme fatale looks, party hopping, and sex pictures released by an ex-husband in Britain.


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