Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Leonard Ravenhill On Romanism: “The Greatest Forgery Lucifer Ever Made!”

Posted on December 9, 2009 by soulrefuge

“Evangelists today are wide-eyed to the might of Communism, but tight lipped at the menace of Romanism. America would shake from coast to coast in twenty-four hours if some preacher, anointed with the Holy Ghost, gave the Roman Catholic Church a broadside! We stir national interest against the cruel, half-civilized Mau Mau (wicked enough), but powwow with, and pander to, the Roman Catholic Church! These priests who dope mens souls,these idolatrous “masses,” these Calvary eclipsing prayers to Mary, these miserable millions cheated in life and in death by the greatest forgery Lucifer ever made.” (Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill, Bethany House Publishers, 1988, Copyright 1959)

Those words were written 50 years ago in a book by Leonard Ravenhill. Mr Ravenhill was apparently very aware and concerned at the great compromise that he saw between true Biblical Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church. It is so rare to hear a preacher tell it like it is when it comes to this idolatrous system that we know as the Roman Catholic Church. Listen to Mr Ravenhill as he refers to those idolatrous “masses” (Roman Catholic Masses), and the “Calvary eclipsing prayers to Mary” in his book. What a stark difference there is in his speech, compared with that of the well known and popular preachers of today, including Billy Graham. Leonard Ravenhill was very accurate in his description of “These Priests who dope mens souls” because that is exactly what is happening. I spoke about the deception of the Roman Catholic Mass which you can read here and you will see clearly that it is truly a horrendous deception. Take heed to the warnings being given here today! Leonard Ravenhill held nothing back when he referred to Romanism (Roman Catholicism) as being “the greatest forgery Lucifer ever made.” Once again Leonard Ravenhill is speaking the truth without compromise and he gets right to the point. It has been 50 years since Leonard Ravenhill wrote those words in his book “Why Revival Tarries” and today there is scarcely an outcry against Rome from the pulpits of the mainline churches, even those who consider themselves to be “on fire” for the Lord. This has become a no-no in the modern church and it does not fit in with the lingo of this modern day. The lingo that comes from the Vatican is all about “dialogue” and how we need to talk with each other. Be careful, because the Devil will “dialogue” your soul right into Hell, if you let him! But don’t you let him! Believe me when I tell you this, that Rome and the Vatican have but one desire and that is to bring every “Christian” and many others under their leadership with the Pope as the leader.

Keith Green was another person who was very outspoken against Roman Catholicism. Here is a quote from the late Keith Green from his “Catholic Chronicles” series of articles.

“It is obvious by even this brief glimpse into the doctrines of mortal and venial sins, confession, penance, and purgatory, that the Roman Catholic Church has constructed one of the most unbiblical doctrinal systems that has ever been considered “Christian”. The fear, anguish, and religious bondage that such a system of “reward and punishment” creates, has tormented millions of lives for centuries, and continues to prey on those who are ignorant of the biblical way of salvation. To merely call such a system “a cult”, would be to throw it into the vast category of religions and quasi-religions that are currently making the rounds of our college campuses and city streets, snatching up many an unsuspecting youth. No, the Roman Church is not a cult. It’s an empire! With its own ruler, its own laws, and its own subjects! The empire has no borders, it encompasses the globe with its eye on every person who does not vow allegiance. It calls the members of other faiths “separated brethren” (The term used by Vatican II to describe the members of Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant churches.) and has as its goal the eventual bringing together of everyone under its flag. I know that many will not be convinced or moved by this article (or any of the others) to make such a conclusion. They are impressed by what they’ve heard about recent stirrings among the Catholics in the “charismatic renewal”. Many evangelicals (especially Charismatics) have been thrilled by the reports of Catholics speaking in tongues, dancing in the Spirit, having nights of joy and praise, even attending “charismatic masses”. Mouths that used to speak out boldly against the Church of Rome have been quieted by the times. It no longer is in vogue to speak of the pope as “the antichrist” (Although the following people unhesitatingly did: Martin Luther, John Bunyan, John Huss, John Wycliffe, John Calvin, William Tyndale, John Knox, Thomas Bacon, John Wesley, Samuel Cooper, John Cotton, and Jonathan Edwards.) or the Catholic Church as the “whore of Babylon”. Now Protestants unwittingly believe that “our differences are not so great”. Ah, that is just what She needs us to think! I’ve never completely understood why God led me to write these articles. But it becomes more clear with each day of study, and each page of research. Never has something so black and wicked, gotten away with appearing so holy and mysteriously beautiful . . . for so long!” (The Catholic Chronicles – Keith Green)

We are living in a day where there is a tidal wave of false teachings and Roman Catholicism is truly a giant tsunami in the midst of all of them. The modern day “church” is run much like the business world, and Pastors entertain many people who they know are compromising with Rome, but they say nothing because they know that “one hand washes the other.” Instead of standing for truth as people such as Leonard Ravenhill and Keith Green and the thousands (possibly millions) of faithful martyrs did, they simply remain silent knowing that few will notice what they are doing. They receive the “praise of men” as many laud them for their Christian service, but deep down they know that they are not warning the people as they should. How can they warn the people when they know that they are working with people, and receiving large monetary donations from ministries who cavort with Rome? They do not realize that they are responsible for the sheep who sit under them. They do not realize that the souls in their congregations are being “doped” (and duped) by the modern day Ecumenical (apostasy) movement that is so crafty. Are you among them?

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)

1 comment:

To live is Christ said...

Its a sad shame that only a few preachers get as to the point as Ravenhill. Christ was a no nonsense, get to the point preacher as well, everything is at stake here. I once heard Ravenhill say something along these lines.. "You think I'm crazy? Oh well, you're only one out of millions.."