Saturday, April 13, 2013

What is the source of the current resurfacing of the 2520 and in what form is it being offered to the church?

From an article: (An Evaluation of The 2520, by Ty Gibson)

The movement that is advancing the 2520 holds this teaching within a larger package of ideas, which includes the following:
1. that the 9/11/2001 terrorist attack is a fulfillment of the “third woe” brought to view in the seventh trumpet (Rev 11:14);

2. that the judgment of the living began on 9/11/2001, beginning with the SDA Church, for whom probation will close before it closes for the world;

3. that the latter rain began to fall from 9/11/2001 onward;

4. that the discovery of the 2520 is a vital part of the “new light” brought to us by the latter rain;
5. and that the 2520 is, therefore, the “testing message” for SDAs. Those who accept the 2520 are thereby receiving the latter rain and successfully passing the inspection process of the judgment of the living, and those who reject the 2520 are rejecting the latter rain and thus failing to bear up under the judgment of the living. Probation is closing for SDAs individually and finally for the corporate body by our acceptance or rejection of the 2520 and the attending package of ideas listed above.

These are huge and grave claims. If true, then the church is currently undergoing the judgment of the living and closing its probation by failing to receive the “new light” offered by the 2520 movement. Thus we can expect to see those who offer this message to the SDA church feel justified in separating from the church because of its rejection of the “latter rain message.” If false, then the 2520 movement is a misguided deception calculated to divert our attention from the real latter rain message.


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