Monday, October 07, 2013

Anniversary of anniversaries

There are anniversaries, then, there are anniversaries.  Does that make any sense to you?  Well, let me explain...

This year there are several momentous anniversaries, ho-hum; and then there are earth shattering anniversaries...

Here are just a few off the top of my head:

  • Income Tax: Oct. 4, 2013  -  100 years
  • IRS:  February 3, 1913  - 100 years
  • Federal Reserve: December 23, 1913 - 100 years
  • President Kennedy AssassinationNovember 22, 1963 - 50 years
  • Martin Luther King's Washington Monument SpeechAug. 28, 1963 - 50 years
  • Rowe vs Wade (decision that legalized Abortions):  January 22, 1973 -  40 years
On a religious note:

The Seventh-day Adventist Church:  May 21, 1863  - 150 years

On a related counter-point:
coming real soon...

The Restoration of the Jesuits (The Society of Jesus) August 7, 1814 - 200 years

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