Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hillary Clinton meets Obama for lunch at the White House

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton listens in November 2012 as President Barack Obama speaks in the Cabinet Room at the White House in Washington. The White House confirmed that Hillary Clinton had lunch with President Obama on Thursday.


May 29
McClatchy Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON Hillary Clinton had lunch with President Barack Obama on Thursday in a stealthy visit that the White House only acknowledged after People Magazine tweeted about it.

The lunch wasn’t on the president’s public schedule. It became public knowledge after People tweeted a photo of one of its reporters who was with the former Secretary of State, then deleted the tweet. The tweet was posted again minutes later.

“PEOPLE's @ sswestfall chats w/ @HillaryClinton before her @WhiteHouse lunch. Hope she wasn't late for @ barackobama!” the tweet reads.

In response to an inquiry from a reporter, a White House official confirmed that Obama “enjoyed an informal, private lunch with Clinton.”

The official did not give any further details, or reveal what the two discussed over lunch.


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