Thursday, July 03, 2014

Everything is broken!

Barack Obama says further reform of Wall Street needed

Obama’s comments could indicate he's ready join the populist debate. | AP Photo
By DAVE CLARKE | 7/2/14 10:22 PM EDT Updated: 7/3/14 12:18 AM EDT

President Barack Obama on Wednesday said that “further reforms” of Wall Street are needed, arguing that there remains too much focus on making profits through big banks’ trading desks as opposed to investing in companies and the “real” economy.

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According to President Obama and his advisers everything is broken.

  1. The nation's healthcare industry was broken so we had to have Obamacare.
  2. The nation's Oil industry: Gas was too cheap, so ever since El Presidente took office gas has doubled in price per gallon. 
  3. The Auto industry was broken so we took over GM, and now that it's back on it's feet it's been devastated by one recall after another...
  4. The Space Program was broken so the Space Shuttle was retired, and now Astronauts need to hitch rides on Russia's SOYUZ missions to get to the International(ist) Space Station. But, wait now NASA has a new program to monitor Carbon Dioxide. NASA launches satellite to monitor carbon dioxide.
  5. The Immigration system is broken so we need to allow thousands of runaway children and adults from Central America, plus 'normalize' millions of 'undocumented' foreign nationals.  Also, spend $2 Billion to finance another boondoggle, etc. 

Now, it's Wall Street's turn to get refurbished?
How much will that cost?
Will we target those rich fat cats that own personal jets again?

This is so ridiculous, how America is allowing itself to be pushed and pulled in every direction and the checks and balances in place (Congress and Supreme Court) refuse to point out that this type of governance (continual revamping, rehabbing) is unAmerican. This is a land of Laws, not a nation of  Idealists who want to mold the whole government according to their whims!

Why is everyone standing idle while this administration shreds the Constitution?

Is the Constitution broken too? 


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