Sunday, July 06, 2014

The man of sin has exalted himself above God and above all that is worshiped

There is an enemy constantly at work to make of none effect the holy law of God. He has woven into the theology of today His perilous errors, that exalt a spurious Sabbath and trample down the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, so that God is dishonored and the man of sin has exalted himself above God and above all that is worshiped. The professed Christian world have accepted Satan’s lie and discarded the words of God, as did Adam and Eve. People say unto us smooth things, they prophesy deceits.

The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, p.780

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Israel you need to buckle down now, no time to calm minds to those who just have evil agenda. It is time to fight for you, a lot of people in U.S. are with you that no one seems to tell you about. It is getting time for U.S. to buckle down too on Gods Truth. But Israel you are the timeline for everything God has planned. We love you!