
Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Recently while driving home from work, I spotted a peculiar "bumper sticker", and its content stuck on my mind. It states that "you can't both be Catholic and pro-choice". Bravo, but then I thought; What are the fundamental Catholic "doctrines and dogmas"? Are they not a celibate priesthood? Are they not idol worship? Are they not considering that the pope is in-fallible, and represents Christ to all mankind? Is Mary worship a prominent part of this religion, when The New Testament gave no "exalted" status to the mother of Jesus? Do they re-crucify Jesus Christ during every Mass? Do they baptize infants? Do they recite and manipulate The Rosary (borrowed from The Muslims, after the Battle of Lepanto)? Do they confess their sins to priests? When there's only one mediator between man and God, Jesus.

I was really troubled that such a bumper sticker could pass for a conservative value manifestation. Here you have a tyrannycal religio-political government that "dictates" to its followers, what it considers to be right or wrong. This is contrary to the Holy Scriptures that I have read. Then, I remembered that the Catholic faith, considers of equal value the traditions of the Church and The Bible. Case in point: The Catholic Catecism; In it there are considerable traditions and practices that are "extra-scriptural", or not suggested by a THUS SAITH THE LORD.

If you simply look up The Ten Commandments in this Catechism (book), you'll see a discrepancy so obvious that 10 is always 10: Not 10, minus 1, plus 1 equal 10. The Catechism has omitted the second command which forbids fashioning and worshiping idols. It is removed (for obvious reasons), yet the 10th Commandment is dissected to complete (the 10th becomes two), The 10 Commandments. How crafty? I happen to own a Catholic: The New American Bible (1970). In it, in Exodus 20, it shows the Ten Commandments similar to the King James Version (except for its modern English verbiage). How then can their be two separate versions of the Ten Commandments according to this observation? The current Catholic Catechism (1992) bears the IMPRIMATUR of Joseph Ratzinger, the current Pope.

At that said, back to the "bumper sticker". It's ironic that the Catholics are the only religion that voices opposition to the barbaric pratice of Abortion; However, its clergy (priests and nuns), are not free to marry and pro-create? Getting back to the subject without straying from the issue. What will they do to those that are Catholics and pro-Abortion, forbid them from taking their Eucharist? Or will they put them in Dungeons; Like in the good olde "Mid- evil" days? Or put them on the rack? Or Flog them?

This really has me thinking about the possiblities that are inferred in that "bumper sticker". Actually it is just as intimidating as the front-end novelty plate of the car behind me, who was riding my bumper. As he got closer and closer to my rear-end, I read: "TAIL GATOR".


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