
Saturday, March 10, 2007



Avenging the Lie
by: Dr. Stefan Grossmann, 2-4-7

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Some of the things you will find there for instant download:
• our smashing multimedia e-book: T MINUS 9-11, An Insiders’ Attack on America
• its supplement, the 9-11 SCIENCE REPORT with its Appendices
• two never before published pdf e-books by the late Sherman H. Skolnick
• several mp3 Cloak and Dagger talk radio interviews with Dr. Stefan G. E. Grossmann
• the collected articles by Dr. Stefan G. E. Grossmann in one single zip file
• the Armenis Papers that generated many of the articles in one single zip file

The background:

George W. Bush’s power has been stripped from him. This social insect is being grabbed and can expect to be tossed in the bastard grinder. Another deranged nut case on the throne, a grotesque living comedy of errors. That is America: a good baseball bat in the teeth of the tyrants. Then to hell with them and their lying media whores of both genders. The people are sick and tired of the vermin who govern and cover-up to kill and steal.

We know them as the Illuminati (Jesuit-Rothschild-Rockefeller-Bourbon-Windsor-Bush-Clinton drug, war and energy racket a/k/a counter-revolutionary „globalization”). They represent the diabolical mind of money religion that Moses and Jesus fought, hard for traditional Anglo-Americans to grasp in its results of social atomization. Since earlier generations of the Illuminati financed King George III and the creation of the U.S.A. as their ever since bankrupt debt plantation, Napoleon, privately owned central banking, Hitler and his Japanese counterparts, Stalin, Mao and others from the Tavistock wreck forge, their ilk stands for: pedophilia, royal insanity and Satanic secret societies, the mass murder of millions and the theft of trillions in the three-digit numbers, seven U.S. presidents and probably thousands of dedicated officials assassinated. What will the anticipated mad scene of evil be when the bubonic bum is pricked open?

Here is a sketchy outline of how it might transpire: George W. Bush is not a moron but an idiot. He is nothing but a paid scapegoat and circus clown in the great American brainwash circus. The annointed fool becomes roadkill because he is no longer useful for the foreign and domestic interests who hold his leash (Jesuits, the Satanic Head Rabbi, the Bank of England, the Queen, the war energy and dope mafia, in short: the known Illuminati hierarchy). It is the shrieking idiot’s throw-away. The shadow forces of the whole planet seem to be suckered in this ugly mess. The fall of Bush - apart from being a howling real-life satire - is a global crisis. The control layer sits in underground installations, in secret Satanic societies and in high intelligence, military and industrial circles. This ancient filth is now a wounded beast. The perpetrators above and around Bush must be identified, routed and destroyed together with the tumbling son of a whore and a cheat.

The Satanic elite families are related. They are cousins or inlaws of some type. Man’s evil mega-bloodline of empire has reportedly been mushrooming since the Babylonian-Egyptian age 5000 years ago (author David Icke). Possibly much older since the alleged empires of Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis since over 100,000 years ago and continuing today in subterranean cave and tunnel worlds, such as the Argo tunnel near Denver, Colorado with connections to inner Earth. These beings have superior minds, especially finite numbers processing capabilities for psionic vibrations and seeming black magic effects, finance and technology through their driving demonically oriented core emotion of hate-fear. They demonically reincarnate over generations through occult temple ports and assume changing group identities, such as the Knights Templar in history. They use so-called occult symbols (like on the dollar bills) and „Solomonic” black magic rites to recognize each other and to smell out those who belong to their own dark force. The Rothschilds, Churchill, Hitler, Blair, British Royalty were or are reportedly interrelated (author Greg Hallett). Those who obey the Black Sun and its symbols, those who have guided themselves into darkness. Their lives are forfeited. We have spent part of our way with them.

The Nazis are a complex phenomenon. They are the most recent metamorphosis of German controllers (using Masonic identity) who silently took over England in the 18th century and shifted their power once again when the British Empire crumbled in the first half of the 20th century. After 1945 they found their safe haven in the U.S.A. (author Mae Brussell; Gehlen organization a/k/a the CIA, operation paperclip, U.S. robber baron fascism, J.F.K. assassination cabal, global drug lords through the Pentagon in the succession of the British opium empire). This in-breeding of open and hidden royalty apparently is only the tip of a huge iceberg – of what I have called in an article the „biology of the Beast” or children of the Anti-Christ among us. One of their symbols is a red dragon mentioned in the book of Revelation (heraldic emblem of the Prince of Wales). Vistas of these secretive interrelations become visible through an immense web of evil conspiracies against humanity such as are carefully, but not completely, covered up.

Prescott Bush, Sr. begat George Herbert Walker Bush who begat George Walker Bush. The man who financed Adolf Hitler begat the co-assassin of Presidents John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan who begat the man who started his career by slaughtering the Children of the Fold in Brownsville, Texas. The Bushes lead America because America is sick with a parasite. Now, probably much too late, bedazzled Americans are standing up to yank the parasite out of its host. Before we get there we must suffer through world history’s craziest messy mad scene.

Take 9-11. The attacks on America on September 11, 2001 were a magic op and were orchestrated by the ruling scum elite for their financial and political gain. Since that day of shame, a dedicated truth movement - the 9-11 research community - has unearthed numerous crystal clear forensic details and proofs that the twin towers were bombed and did not fall due to any airplanes hitting them. (There were no large commercial airplanes hitting them in the first place, the planes shown on TV are proven to be fakes.) Eight billion dollars in insurance payments went to an Illuminati-controlled clique around the burning world pest Henry Kissinger, his best client Maurice Hank Greenberg (former AIG chairman and CEO) and a former central banker, Peter Peterson (the Blackstone Group) and others with an initial investment of only $ 14 million by the Jewish front-man Professor Larry Silverstein. For any judgment day type trial scenario, the example of 9-11 should rank prominently. The first object of execution should be to cut immediately all funding for the perverted terror state Israel.

„Magic operations” (magic ops) are secret ops above „black ops”. A whole string of magic ops leads to the rise of the Bush-Clinton (Rockefeller-Bush) crime syndicate: the assassinations of seven U.S. presidents, the Civil War 1860/1/1865, the subversion of the American court system since the 1870s, central banking and global money laundering scam, the Spanish-American war and planting of the press inside the war racket, the First World War, Mao in China, Lenin and Stalin in Russia, Hitler in Germany, Hitler’s Reichstag fire, the holocaust in Europe, Soviet Union and China, Pearl Harbor, Operation Barbarossa and the erasing of Germany, the Nazis’ mass exodus to the U.S.A. and into the Pentagon, Fat Boy (Hiroshima) and Nagasaki (reportedly a plutonium bomb), the military-academic-industrial complex, the Cold War, Vietnam, the Anglo-American dope empire with its secret drug wars, Saddam Hussein and Iraq wars, mass murders and mass torture, AIDS, Ebola, SARS and other designer viruses, NATO terrorism, synthetic terror attacks on America including 9-11, the trillion dollar per year Pentagon/Nazi black budget, the year 2000 election fraud and other election frauds, Patriot Act(s), George Wacko Bush and his Bedlamic Jihad, suppressing the science of free energy (overunity energetics) for energy racketeering reasons, scalar weather wars and the rape of New Orleans, plasma weapons against the population, etc. etc. The terrible American Waffle SS housed in festive buildings of parliament either shuns reality or picks it up for filibustering. Above all there is the bizarre mass media fraud by the Cocaine News Network and others of an artificial reality (Goebbelsization of the mass media). Bush the wacko bum is an agent of manifest evil, and his fall rips the mask of evil for all to see. The world is governed by the Pope’s narcotic bankers and Her Majesty, the Queen. The whole bunch is the hogwash of humanity!

Of course, it is a great victory for mankind when a wretched crazy man such as George W. Bush is destroyed. But the victory is worthless without ten thousand parasites squashed: all those moles in government, military, industry, media, religion, entertainment, education who were Bush-Clinton’s willing helpers. 80% of all American judges and politicians are trash. There is the murderous intelligence apparatus. The sad truth is that probably the parasites have already gnawed away the fiber of American strength. The balance of America may well turn out to be immobilized by the ample poison of mass destruction that was so gratefully guzzled down for decades. Anyway, America’s „shock and blah” headache after awakening from this comatose regime will grimly humor the tens of millions of surviving victims of the Great Satan. The parasite is mainstream America itself, withering under a heavy dosis of Zionide; and it must be ripped.

The three human entry ports for the parasite of evil are: perversion, greed and arrogance (destructive sex, pagan money religion and big government). America has made more than ample use of all three ports. This has flooded American society with deep negative emotions, most notably, fear. This is the basis for dumbing down the average American to a gullible intellectual vegetable. The New World Order/Illuminati/Control Layer has ongoing social and mind engineering projects in all countries, of course, usually using a combo of Zionist and criminal elements. The whole thing is like a contageous mental virus and leads to Mad Bush Disease.

America is a prime target of evil because of its popular concepts of revolutionary freedom and democracy. 1776/1783 (popularly held American Revolution and dumping of King George III), 1860/1/1865 (liberation of black chattel slaves) and the Civil Rights Movement in the second half of the 20th century are some key events in the growth of these popular concepts. (For the tragedy behind a late truth-oriented court judgment, see for example the book by William F. Pepper: An Act of State, The Execution of Martin Luther King, 2003 where the court in 1999 found a government cabal involving the FBI and other agencies to be the culprits of concerted target murder in the 1960s.) In a free society there will inevitably be extremes of good and evil, i.e. a strong polarity. Such a construct of extremes tends to break apart, for the mixture is inherently instable and explosive. Whose master plan to blow up what?

The anticipated mad scene of evil can be described as a „digital Nuremberg.” That defines the goal and self-set mission of this web site, reminiscent of the Nuremberg trials held in Germany after the Nazi regime fell in 1945. I have revamped my site as a shop where you can download massive megabytes of critical and often unique key information going back to my ongoing legal history research, litigation and forensically oriented reporting since 1990. I am grateful to all friends and sources, in particular to the late Sherman H. Skolnick and to Lenny Bloom of
Together we have been able to pull evidence together that bathes world history in the forbidden light of truth. What a scene when America’s evil imp collides with reality!

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