
Sunday, June 17, 2007


News Alert

Friday, June 15, 2007

"The Middle East Is On Fire"!

On one day, Wednesday, June 13, all three hotspots which Iran has targeted for her strategy of "Lighting Many Fires" exploded with blockbuster events.

1) In Beirut, Lebanon, an anti-Syrian lawmaker was brutally murdered in a huge car bomb. This assassination rocked Lebanon to the core and threatened the survival of the Pro-Western Lebanese government. The car bombing bore all the "fingerprints" of Syrian intelligence, which means that Syria has just "upped the ante" in her preparation for war with Israel.

We shall share with you in the 6/16 Newsletter other stories which even more strongly point toward Syria taking two actions which demonstrate that President Assad is getting really serious about war with Israel.

Since the Lebanese Army has been unable to root out ragtag Palestinian militants in the two refugee camps in which fighting has been ongoing for weeks, everyone now realizes that the Army will not be able to fight Hezbollah once it attacks Israel. The stage for war is further set.

2) In the Gaza Strip, the brutal Palestinian terror group, Hamas, successfully overthrew the pro-West (And Freemasonic) leader Abbas and his Fatah force. Members of Fatah were dragged into the streets and shot dead point-blank by Hamas gunmen. Blood really did flow in the streets of Gaza.

Now, the battle begins for the West Bank, but given the ease by which Hamas conquered Fatah in the Gaza Strip, and given the demonstrable higher quality of the Hamas soldier which was demonstrated in the battle for the Gaza Strip, Hamas' conquest of the West Bank could prove easier and more speedy than anyone could believe.

3) In Samarra, Iraq, a powerful explosion ripped of the two minarets off the most revered shrine in Shi'ite Iraq. Immediately, enraged Shi'ites began attacking Sunni mosques in retaliation. The American-installed Shi'ite government is wobbling towards collapse like never before.

The entire Middle East has just lurched strongly forward toward the planned chaos and regional war which the Illuminati has planned since 1870, in order to produce the final global war which will produce their Antichrist on the world scene. In fact, these three explosive events may have just made this Regional War inevitable!


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