
Sunday, June 17, 2007


'Undocumented Immigrants'

By Ken Adachi <Editor>
May 1, 2006

I can't condone illegal 'immigration' in America. It's not "immigration" when you enter the country illegally; it's criminal entry. This is a sovereign nation and its government has the right and the duty to keep out or deport (or jail) those who enter illegally. Every other nation on the face of the earth exercises that right without apologizing for protecting itself from illegal incursion. However, here in the Bastion of Orwell, where the federal government is under the control of traitors and mindless robots workers who are engaged in a covert agenda intended to destroy America from within, we have hundreds of thousands of mostly Mexican, but some Central or South American illegal aliens protesting in the major cities of America shouting for "their rights" to freely live and work here "just as every other immigrant group who ever came to America without being treated like a criminal" and similar myths.

(You should note that the 'immigrant' protest marches are being played to the hilt in the media while the larger protest marches mounted in the weeks and months prior to Bush's invasion of Iraq in 2003, were played down to the hilt, given 15 second sound bytes on TV, and grossly underreported as to the size of the protesting crowds, both in America and abroad. Why? Because the so called 'immigration' issue was contrived to erupt at this time in order to act as an emotion-charged diversion, while the far more important issue of going to war with Iran (including implementation of the draft) proceeds quietly in the background, un-debated, unexamined, and un-protested. )

Just to set the record straight, if you enter this country illegally, you have committed a crime and therefore you would be guilty of engaging in criminal behavior. That behavior would define you as a 'criminal'. Currently, that criminal behavior is classified as a misdemeanor crime. An Immigration Reform bill, spearheaded by House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner (Wisconsin Republican) which passed 239-182 in December 2005, calls for illegal entry to be classified as a felony crime.

While unaware liberals and illegal aliens (or their advocates) characterize this provision as "draconian", "mean-spirited", and "unfair", it seems to me that it's the logical thing to do when your country is being overrun with illegal aliens and there's no end in sight. When Illuminati straw man Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to 3 million Mexican, Central American, and South American illegals in 1986, that was touted in the press as a magnanimous 'solution' to the problem. In exchange for granting alien resident or citizenship status to 3 million poor people who slipped into this country to further burden our schools and health care systems, we were told that the contentious issue would now be "behind us." Twenty years later, however, we now have 12-20 million new illegal aliens residing in America, but now they are taking to the streets of America to protest for 'immigration rights' and are demanding that United States legislators should "listen to the voice of the people" as I heard one woman with a heavy Spanish accent tell a TV reporter.

The Dissolution of America
Please bear in mind that there is a single political Illuminati agenda and that is the creation of a One World feudal government. The illegal aliens shouting in the streets for their "rights" and brazenly marching with the Mexican flag held high do not know that. Nor do they see the part that they are playing in effecting that goal. The Illuminati agenda requires the destruction of the United States, politically, economically, and militarily and the flooding of this country with illegal aliens is part of that agenda.

Beyond the cost to American taxpayers, the growth of illegal aliens creates a sense of lost cohesiveness, unity, and national identity among native born Americans. You give up easier when you view your "town" (symbolically speaking) as having gone to Hell in a hand basket. When I first came to southern California in the early 1990's, there were 3 or 4 radio stations in Spanish and 2 or 3 Spanish television stations. Today, about one third of all the FM radio stations that I can receive here are broadcast in Spanish and about 50% of all UFH stations that I can pick up with my TV antennae are in Spanish. Traditionally, true immigrants to America entered legally and came in order to stay and become part of the tapestry of America. They worked, raised their families, and mostly spent their money here in America, contributing to the country's growth and prosperity. That's not what's taking place with the current army of illegal aliens.

The money they earn here is being sent back to their native Mexico, Guatemala, or San Salvador, which amounts to many Billions (one source-60 billion) which advocates for illegal aliens will freely admit and even boast about! After they take care of their family and extended families, they next turn their attention to building up the infrastructure of the little town they came from replete with new baseball stadiums and a civic swimming pool. That's great for the locals, but every dollar sent out of America deprives Americans of that energy exchange. It's not true that 12 million illegal aliens are performing jobs that Americans are not willing to do, like The Decider keeps telling us over and over again. Just try to get a job here in southern California as a carpenter, painter, landscaper, maintenance man, lawn care man, etc.. If you're an American, forget it. You won't get to first base with the employer. He doesn't want to hire Americans because he can get all the illegal Mexican aliens he wants at below market wages and no concerns about unemployment benefits, union headaches, etc. It's illegal to hire 'undocumented workers', but there is no enforcement of those laws by federal agencies who are in a position to identify employers hiring illegal aliens. That's not an accident or oversight, that's internal policy.

The downfall of the United States could not be wrought from the outside, so the plan was set in motion more than two hundred and twenty five years ago (Adam Weisshaup) to destroy this country from within by rotting out the foundations of our religious, moral, and political values (read Pawns in the Game by William Guy Carr), replacing traitors where there were once stood loyal patriots striving to improve and protect the interests of America.

Illuminati agents had been slowly infiltrated into the government from its very inception (Alexander Hamilton), but the pace of infiltration throughout American society picked up in the closing decade of the nineteenth century (Fabian Society) and became more significant with the administration of Woodrow Wilson. The creation of the Federal Reserve Banking system in 1913 and the multitude of treasonous acts implemented by FDR in the 1930's set the framework for the betrayal that we now see unfolding around us. Truman greatly accelerated the destructive goals of the Illuminati by allowing the creation of the CIA in 1949. The implementation of the CIA was guided into place by Allen Welsh Dulles (CIA director under Eisenhower) and John Foster Dulles (Sec. of State under Eisenhower), both of whom were Illuminati agents for the House of Rothchild. In my opinion, Eisenhower and Kennedy were the last two loyal American Presidents we had (in fact, Kennedy got himself killed because he thought he was President).

Johnson was sort of a transitional traitor. If you had confronted him with the accusation, I'm sure he would have been mortified, but he was the sort of man who had lost so much of his moral compass while playing the politics game in Texas, that he had too little conscience and far too much ambition to forego the opportunity to become President following the assassination of his boss - whom he bitterly hated (I'm convinced that Johnson was aware of the plan to kill Kennedy). Nixon could also be called a transitional traitor. The Illuminati was able to install their agent directly into the Oval Office in the person of Henry Kissinger (who essentially dominated Nixon and his policies) just as they installed their boy 'Colonel' Edward Mandel House directly into the Oval Office when Wilson occupied it After arranging for Nixon's impeachment for not following their orders closely enough, the Illuminati forced Nixon to give the Mason's hand wave for acknowledging their control and his defeat by waving his right arm from left side to right side as we all witnessed on TV while he bid farewell from the steps of the helicopter sitting on the White House lawn. Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, and Bush 2, of course, were all hand picked 'company men', who would follow orders (and in the case of Bush 1, give them too).

Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan are/were essentially decent types who lacked the capacity for cruelty and evil that was reported of the others, but they cooperated with 'the Council' all the same, especially Reagan. FEMA and all of its evil outgrowths started under Jimmy Carter. Reagan's Star wars (SDI) program is the reason you can't go anywhere on the planet or use an ATM, telephone, or credit card without being tracked to the Nth degree by the NSA, Mossad, etc.

Good Cop, Bad Cop
Now we come to the Machiavellian game being played by Senator Bill Frist and other high profile members of congress. Frist is the lead Bushite in the Senate who's attempting to use the 'immigration' issue to both make himself look good (Presidential aspirant) and to assist The Decider in looking less like a corporate poodle and more like a Man of the People. Maybe you could call it Good Cop, Bad Cop. Frist fronts his version of the Immigration Reform bill to capitalize on the outrage felt by American citizens when they see scores of illegal aliens protesting in the streets of America for their "rights." Americans, unaware of the game, will then view Frist-and his 'wing' of the Republican party-as loyalists to the Constitution and identify with him as one of the 'good guys'. Sensenbrenner's House version is demonized as heavy-handed and evil, while Frist's version is seen as more just and less 'reactionary'. If the Frist version becomes the final version of the bill, then the corporate elites get the "guest worker" flim flam they wanted all along while placating the American public into thinking that 'something is being done' about illegal immigration problem. Of course, the Decider gets to look like the Settler of Disputes among his bickering congressional "family."

Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, another traitor to America, played EXACTLY the same game in 2003 when he was making the rounds of TV political talk shows with a bound copy of the Constitution tucked under his arm protesting Bush's impending attack of Iraq as unconstitutional. Of course, the attack on Iraq was unconstitutional, as the U.S. Constitution requires a declaration of war made by congress, not the President, but Byrd was using the opportunity to bolster his political image and project the idea that he's concerned about abuse of the The People's Constitution and is part of the 'loyal' opposition. Nothing, however, could be further from the truth.

Byrd is working for the Illuminati to bring about the destruction of America and to implement the satanic One World government just as as surely as Ted Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, and Barney Frank, who also posture themselves as part of the 'loyal' opposition, are part of the congressional cabal of traitors. If you want to see the hidden side to the face of these one-eyed jacks, then read about Byrd, Kennedy, and Leahy in Brice Taylor's book, Thanks for the Memories and Cathy O'Brien's book, TranceFormation of America. If you want insights on the darker side of Barney Frank, then take a look at The Franklin Cover-Up by John DeCamp.

On October 21, 2001, when 98 U.S. senators (thank you Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, the lone dissenting vote) and 356 House representatives voted in favor of the US Patriot Act, they committed treason by voting for legislation that includes provisions that are in DIRECT VIOLATION of the U.S. Constitution. When the President of the United States or members of congress take the oath of office, they swear to uphold the Constitution.

Allowing hundreds (or perhaps thousands ) of tanker planes to fly over the skies of America spraying millions of gallons of toxic substances called chemtrails each and every day and yet do nothing about it (nor even acknowledge that it's taking place) is treason.

Allowing the findings of a white wash and farce called the 911 Commission to stand and thus make an utter mockery of the truth surrounding the events that took place on September 11, 2001 in order to conceal the fact that 911 was an inside job, is an act of treason that is further compounded by the covering up an even greater act of High Treason by the Executive and military.

And allowing millions of illegal aliens to flood into this country under the pretense of needed 'guest workers' is yet another treasonous decision designed to lead to the final dissolution of one of the greatest expressions of liberty and democratic ideals since the days of Pericles.

We must rescue our children from these circumstances. The responsibility rests with us, and not with the leaders who are betraying us.

Ken Adachi


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