
Friday, June 08, 2007


Vatican Design: EXPOSED!

Vatican Design: EXPOSED! is dedicated to expose man’s proposed global kingdom of Jesus Christ on earth as a counterfeit and deception, and give explicit proof by the highest authority above all other authority in the universe — the Holy Word of GOD — that when Jesus Christ sets up HIS Eternal Kingdom on earth, HE will do it personally Himself, with no help from man.

Vatican Design: EXPOSED! is dedicated to show by that same highest authority — the Holy Word of GOD — prophecy given in only five chapters of the Holy Bible by GOD, the blueprint given to mankind of all the world empires that would rise up and fall upon the earth, from after the flood until the very end of time. To give credibility to HIS Holy Word, and so mankind would not grope in utter darkness, GOD gave this profound revelation 2500 years ago. Search the world over, and see if you can produce another book capable of performing such a miracle. And to speak of the end of time, is a concept that originated with the Word of GOD. For Godless people neither know about, nor do they want to know about, the time when it will be no more.

Vatican Design: EXPOSED! is dedicated to make those five prophecy chapters of GOD’s Holy Word so perfectly clear and so simple that even a child could understand them if there is an honest interest and a love for the truth. So what you are about to study, is profoundly the truth and can not be interpreted truthfully in any other way, in spite of false teachers and deceivers who will say otherwise. But for sheer necessity, study for yourself, to prove all things and be approved unto GOD.


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