
Thursday, July 12, 2007


12 13th, 2006

Harry PotterFor at least four alarming reasons we should be outraged about the Harry Potter phenomenon:

  • HP is mainstreaming Witchcraft.
  • HP is aggressively recruiting our children.
  • HP is deceptive in its prosyletization.
  • HP is teaching an entire generation socially unacceptable values.

The popularization of witchcraft especially during the last few years can be directly attributed to the aggressive marketing of Harry Potter. It is mainstreaming the religion of witchcraft which, despite arguments to the contrary, is a REAL religion, with dangerous consequences and is recruiting our children. In 1986 a Federal Court of Appeals decision (Dettmer v. Landon) had effectively declared “The Church of Wicca” to be a constitutionally recognized “religion” with the same legal rights and standing as other religions (1).

Witchcraft is a legally recognized religion and has tax exempt status. Self professed chaplains in the military have the freedom to openly practice their religion in the military despite the so called separation of Church and State. Wicca is exploiting its public acceptance throughout our educational system. Children as young as six years old are being read Harry Potter books aloud by their teaches in classrooms across America while Bible reading, the teaching of Christianity and the posting of the Ten Commandments is outlawed. Schools around the nation used taxpayers’ dollars to bus hundreds of our children in school buses to movie theatres to watch Harry Potter matinees despite parents’ protests. I am confident school buses would not be permitted to be used to bus children to Mel Gibson’s “Passion of The Christ” at the time Christian’s celebrate their Messiah’s zenith celebration, The Resurrection, or to theatres this Christmas for the recent release of The Nativity movie which specifically follows the Biblical account of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. The Christian’s celebration of Christmas (specifically the birth of Christ) and Easter (representing the resurrection of Christ) are not permitted to be celebrated with their focus on Christ in schools, yet these holidays continue to be celebrated within the educational system to comply with legally framed acceptable. Such compromise in the name of so-called “tolerance” and in an effort not to be so-called “offensive” is completely offensive to believers in Christ. Yet government schools supported by tax payers allow the celebrations to continue in names preferred by pagans and nature worshipers as Spring and Winter Holidays. Schools blatantly endorse the celebration of Halloween, also known as the nature Harvest Festival, which is the major New Year holiday of witches and pagans as not only an opportunity to party during school time but also to promote pagan and wiccan beliefs in the classroom.The teaching of Wicca is encouraged through our school system and fanned by the entertainment industry which deliberately targets our children ( Gods of Entertainment DVD (2).

Wicca is the fastest-growing religion in America among pre-teens and also thrives in higher educational facilities: on college campuses, classrooms and through campus associations aided by such Wiccan promoters as Anthony Paige. Paige, a graduate of SUNY Purchase College started a Wiccan student group on campus and is the successful author of the bestseller, “Rocking the Goddess: Campus Wicca for the Student Practitioner”. His publisher’s promotion states the book’s purpose – “an indispensable guide to an old religion for a new generation, one that will help you feel the mystery, experience the magick, and find the witch within (Branwen’s Cauldon).” (3)

Harry Potter: Witchcraft RepackagedMany argue that our children know the difference between the so-called fantasy of Harry Potter’s world and that of “real” witchcraft but facts show otherwise. The author of Harry Potter, Joanne “JK” Rowling, openly admits she gets hundreds of letters from fans asking to attend Hogwart’s, Harry’s occult boarding school of witchcraft and wizardry. Those mentioned in my documentary, Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repacked ( admit they want Harry’s power to be able to cast spells and put hexes on their parents, teachers or those they love in order to manipulate their devotion. When I was at Kings Cross Train Station in London recently, the stationmaster admitted hundreds of children come to see the supposed platform which Harry’s fictional school train leaves from. He also mentioned several accidents occurred when children, who mimicked Harry, run through the brick barricade to catch the Hogwart’s Express, the imaginary train Harry takes to enter his magical dimension. The Pagan Federation of England affirm they receive thousands of letters from children after the airing of such TV programs as Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Children ask for the location of local Wicca covens in the hopes of attending. They express their desires to learn the occult techniques promoted in Harry’s books and by other young witches in a plethora of movies and programs that glorify witchcraft and pagan ideology. (DVD Gods of Entertainment (4)

Supernatrual Powers: The Battle Between Good and EvilIn the documentary, Supernatural Powers: The Battle Between Good and Evil ( I interview those who, as children had been introduced to the occult by reading “fantasy” literature. Over a short time they got hooked, addicted and drawn into dangerous spirituality which changed their disposition and attitudes, making them moody and depressed.

From personal experience they warn against the child-friendly allurements that attract the vulnerable into emotional distress and an unhealthy interest in the occult. No longer relegated to dark alleys and seen as fearful occultism, “fantasy” literature openly targets our youth. Piggy backing off Harry Potter, glamorously packaged and enticingly displayed New Age, Pagan and Wiccan books for children cram the shelves of book stores such as Barnes and Noble, USA’s biggest chain bookstore.

If, as claimed, reading is the agenda, why not get children to read literature that promotes healthy social values and belief in constructive character development, the furtherance of integrity, truthfulness, honesty and social compassion towards the less advantaged?

Harry’s adventures uphold his lying, cheating, stealing and rude, rebellious nature as acceptable even by his adult occult teachers. He not only practices various alchemy magick and spell casting but is driven to improve them so that he can combat the powerful darkness his deeds pull him into. He aspires to more aggressive eastern type meditation, yogic-centering and deeper-concentration techniques to counter the nightmares, hot-sweats, violent anger and addictive pains in his stomach, some of the many symptoms occultists admit they experience as they dabble in the supernatural world of powers and principalities.

Any serious witch will openly admit to the yearning for power that benefits for supposed good and healing. Yet they also admit that that power can be abused according to each practitioner’s skill and desire.

We learn that Harry misuses his power for evil and selfish ambition, a power which interestingly is linked with the same source as his nemesis, the Evil Lord Voldemort represented as a serpent. All world religions, while admitting the power of the serpent, know it to be fearful, yet Harry is able to talk “serpent” language. There is no doubt children are being seduced into believing the dark-arts are “fun”, benign and a positive power for personal enablement. But responsible parents must be aware that while such practices may be dismissed as “fantasy” they are practices that are able to supply supernatural power through mind-changing techniques, methods that are able to awaken spiritual thoughts through the use of spiritual imagination.

The supernatural world is a reality and dabbling with occult techniques to enter the dark-side is not an harmless adventure. Our children are immersed in cruelty and depravity in a daily battle but vying for the wrong spirits to give them power to tackle their problems should be of great concern to us all.

A chilling aspect of craving supernatural power can be read in Misty Bernall’s book about her murdered daughter Cassie, who through her school-day dabbling in witchcraft got drawn into Satanism, self mutilation and a desire to kill her parents. Cassie, the 17 year old Columbine High School student who was ultimately killed, along with 13 other Columbine victims has her story compassionately described in her mother’s memoirs and through letters Cassie wrote (5).

Much of the ugliness of her spiritual battle - “dark rhymes and lyrics decorated with lurid images of vampires, drugs, and mutilated bodies, including grisly drawings…..” and “Cassie reacted with fits of anger and despair, threats of running away and killing herself…..” are sentiments strewn throughout the pages of Harry Potter.

Cassie’s story reveals a significant answer for concerned parents and troubled children trapped by the dangers of today’s growing pagan movement. Cassie’s mother tells how her daughter found faith in a powerful God Who set her free from the darkness that held her in a vice of bondage. In the end, Cassie was martyred for her faith: killed by two fellow classmates who had stormed the school, guns blazing, with murder on their minds, warped by their own deprived, satanic experiences, but hopefully Cassie’s martyrdom is not a waste if children today can be helped by Cassie’s courageous message.(3)

(1) Witchcraft Goes Mainstream: Uncovering Its Alarming Impact on You and Your Family by Brooks Alexander. Page 51. Books at .
(2) Gods of Entertainment: The Power of Mass Media to Influence and Corrupt. Plus Bonus Harry Potter TV Special. DVD at .
(3) Page 59: Witchcraft Goes Mainstream.
(4) Death By Entertainment. How the Media Manipulates the Masses. VHS at .
(5) She said yes: The unlikely martyrdom of Cassie Bernall. By Misty Bernall. Plough Publishing House. 800 521 8011. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book go to a charitable foundation established in Cassie’s name. For more information on the mainstreaming of witchcraft and fantasy visit video previews for: Witchcraft Spell – Bonus Special on DVD of Supernatural Powers: The Battle between good and evil.Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repacked. Making Evil Look Innocent.


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