
Wednesday, August 29, 2007


YouTube Wars - Freedom's Watch vs. IVAW. Which is Real Grassroots, Which is a Front Group?

By John Stauber
Created 08/23/2007 - 08:22

What's the difference between a slick pro-war front group [1] exploiting Iraq veterans to pour gasoline on the fire in Iraq, and a grassroots group of Iraq veterans leading the battle at home to end Bush's war of occupation?

Watch these YouTube videos and decide for yourself.

The latest addition to Bush's pro-war lobby [2] is Freedom's Watch [3], and they have a slick and deceptive video on YouTube that features a veteran who lost legs in Iraq invoking the image of 9/11 to urge more money for the war. Click on this link to view Freedom's Watch on YouTube. [4]

Then, watch this video of Iraq Veterans Against the War [5] (IVAW) addressing bloggers at the recent Yearly Kos convention, urging them to talk to vets and get out the real story of the Iraq war. Click on this link to watch IVAW on YouTube [6].

Ari Fleischer [7], Bush's former PR flack who helped dupe America into attacking Iraq, heads Freedom's Watch. Fleischer and Bush both still promulgate the Big Lie [8] that Iraq was involved with the 9/11 attacks, a completely discredited falsehood that millions of Americans believe because it is insinuated over and over by the pro-war lobby [9] including Freedom's Watch. Fleischer and his financial backers will spend tens of millions of dollars in the weeks ahead on their pro-war PR and lobby campaign.

IVAW is a growing, grassroots group of hundreds of Iraq veterans and active soldiers located in 43 states and on active duty in Iraq. They sleep on floors, travel at their own expense and are primarily dedicated volunteers, American soldiers working for peace.

IVAW or Freedom's Watch - which is real grassroots, and which is slick pro-war propaganda, a front group, Memorex? You decide.


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