
Monday, September 17, 2007



It's the middle of September of 2007, and Alan Greenspan is taking a whirlwind tour of the Media Circuits (media circus), promoting his latest endeavor: "The Age Of Turbulence"; His tell-all book. Turbulence? Are we headed for a 'crash landing'? Well, pardon my sarong, Sir Alan Greenspan. But, that is too little, too late. What , we're no longer swimming with the sharks? Now the polar ice caps are melting? Where were all these views when you headed the FED? Were they in the 'comfy' attic of your Georgetown townhouse? Why blab all this gibberish now? Is this more spin from the wheels of deception of the New World Order (adventures in a new world) machine?


"The war in Iraq was about oil."

Alan Greenspan appeared on CBS's 60 Minutes program on Sunday, September, 16, 2007. He stated that the reason to invade Iraq (the first time) was to stabilize the region, and prevent Saddam from blocking the Straits of Hormuz. But, the underlying issue was, and is oil. Monday (this morning), he was interviewed by Matt Lauer on NBC's TODAY Show to talk about his new/memoirs book which goes on sale today. Everything now seem to be 20/20: Great! But, what about then? He now speaks post-excathedra. To sell a book? Is this the testimony of a man who has experienced a paradigm shift? Or are we watching a dog and pony show being perpetrated on an naive citizenry? Either way, it's another wink and a nod deception, if you ask me.

Irrational Exuberance

While on CBS's 60 Minutes (9/16/2007) it was revealed Alan Greenspan is married to Andrea Mitchell, who is a reporter for NBC News. How quaint. Here he was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and married to a Main Stream Media journalist. Well, if he has the need to promote any idea he had the means to do so at home. Washington Post, NBC, Newsweek, have we got a story for you! Alan pratices interviewing at home. It's a shoo-in.

By: Arsenio 9/17/2007

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