
Friday, September 21, 2007


"Aiming to Agitate, Florida Student Got a Shock", The Washington Post, September 19. 2007

"Andrew Meyer, the University of Florida student whose Monday arrest at a John Kerry speech headlined CNN and other networks yesterday, has contributed a better lead to this story than we could have invented:

"Don't tase me, bro!"

"In a widely circulating video of the scuffle, university police grab Meyer and remove him from a town-hall-style forum at the university featuring the Massachusetts senator. The senior telecommunications major had been given permission to ask a question after the official end of the Q& A portion; the question turns into an increasingly agitated three-parter. He asks why Kerry had conceded the 2004 presidential race ("Didn't you want to win the election?"), why President Bush hadn't been impeached, and whether Kerry was a member of Yale secret society Skull & Bones."

You can see the video here: Video of University of Florida student Tasered at Kerry forum

You can hear Senator Kerry in the background of the video, pleading with the campus police to allow him to answer this student, but to no avail. Four police wrestled with this student, who also kept shouting "What did I do?"

For years, Cutting Edge has been warning about the growing dictatorial attitude of brutality amongst police forces at all levels of our society. This terrible incident reveals how far our law enforcement people have slid in this regard. When the time comes for Martial Law to be firmly established, our police forces will have the attitude necessary to carry it out.


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