
Monday, September 24, 2007


William Rodriguez and the Key to 9/11

by Peter Zaza

"First Man In" for Truth
Myself and 100 other people had the good fortune to see William Rodriguez
speak in Nanaimo, BC on Sept 17th, 2007. There are many things quite
remarkable about this man, his rare sense of integrity being chief among
them. I had heard him before on a radio show, it was a fascinating
interview where he went into some detail about his youth, his career in
magic, and just some of the noteworthy people he has been associated with
throughout his extraordinary life so far. Working at the World Trade Center
for 20 years, he was one of a small group of people who possessed a master
key to the building. That fact, along with his intimate knowledge of this
huge complex, permitted firefighters easier access, and therefore more
people could be saved. Rodriguez is a humble man who makes references to
the fact that he is just a janitor, but in truth, he is a powerful
individual with an amazing story to tell. Through his experiences we see
revealed a man who possesses incredible loyalty, uncommon bravery, and the
strength of his convictions concerning truth and justice.

"Strength is Happiness. Strength is itself victory. In weakness and
cowardice there is no happiness. When you wage a struggle, you might win or
you might lose. But regardless of the short-term outcome, the very fact of
your continuing to struggle is proof of your victory as a human being." -
Daisaku Ikeda

More than 2 hours sped by all too fast as we heard his first person account
of events that occurred at the World Trade Center on 9/11. I was surprised
to hear him tell of the many instances where he kept going back into the
building to rescue strangers and try and save his friends. Not surprising
is the fact that all of his testimony about the bombs going off before the
planes hit was omitted from the official 9/11 Commission Report - as a
matter of fact there is no mention of William Rodriguez at all, or the many
others who would have to be considered prime witnesses in any real

At one point in his presentation he talks about a specific moment where he
asks God for help. William tells us that he was not much of a believer
before this moment, but as he was sure that he was going to die just then,
he cried out for divine assistance. There were three instances during his
lecture where I was literally moved to tears - this was one such moment.
Rodriguez has an uncanny ability to engage an audience with his story, it
feels as if he is speaking to you directly, and you can feel the pain he
still experiences when he closes his eyes and falls silent while describing
the 200 friends he lost that day, or the exasperation and hopelessness he
felt while trying to save people amid this scenario of confusion and
devastation. At that moment when he describes turning toward God for help,
I'm reminded of another time in my own life when I turned away.

"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and
evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that
takes religion." - Steven Weinberg

I can remember the exact instant I turned away from my Catholic faith - I
was enrolled at St. Mike's College in Toronto, a place where some famous NHL
stars had been schooled. Most of my teachers were Priests who lived there
at the college. I stayed after class one day and asked my teacher who was
an elder Priest this question, "If a baby is born and dies 5 minutes later
without having been baptized, why can't this child ever get to heaven and
must instead languish in limbo instead? It seems rather unfair to me that
our God would punish somebody who is completely innocent of anything, and
for all of eternity." He went on to explain that these were just the rules
and sometimes we were not capable as mere mortals of understanding God's
wisdom, it was not our duty to question, we are required to have faith and
obey. Well, I didn't like that answer at all - you see, we were also
studying physics, science and math which pointed to some kind of an ordered
universe with rules and laws of nature, these studies demanded reason and
truth in order to exist. I could not accept that God could be so unfair, or
that any religious doctrine would support this type of thought.

"The important thing is to not stop questioning" - Einstein

I pressed this man of the cloth further with the following, "If a man lives
his entire life and is always a good person and a respected member of
society, but then 5 minutes before he dies he takes a gun and murders
somebody - can this man still get to heaven, and does this one action negate
all the good work he has done his entire life?" Now my teacher and my
religion were both truly on the spot as far as I was concerned, in my 14
year old mind I felt I had this Priest and the whole Catholic faith on the
line and over a barrel for my allegiance. His answers both dismayed and
surprised me. He said first that if the man received the sacrament of
confession within that last 5 minutes of his life - he could then be
absolved and forgiven, and after a suitable length of time in Purgatory
would be able to proceed straight to heaven - pass Go and collect the $200.
I was shocked and disheartened, this formal religion thing had lost me at
that moment - here we have a completely innocent soul who has barely drawn
a breath and is denied heaven for all eternity, and then somebody who
willfully commits murder who is allowed the grand prize at the end of the

But then this teacher of mine said something that I didn't expect, and which
has subsequently afforded me a valuable lesson throughout my interesting if
not heathen existence on this earth. He said that each of our lives is like
a long strand of thread in this huge tapestry - if we live our entire life
and help to create a rich and colourful design, then this is not mitigated
by the thread becoming frayed and broken toward the end - it does not take
away from the beauty of all that has gone before. I suppose I decided right
there that his allegory about life's tapestry was correct, but I didn't
his capricious rules concerning player eligibility for heaven and hell.
Perhaps heaven and hell were not some mystical places we went after we died,
perhaps they exist on this tapestry itself during our time here - we make
our own heaven and hell I reasoned, and it's encapsulated in our thought at
this very moment. As a result of this exchange I never went to church
again, and decided to cultivate my interest in Taoism.

Later in my life I heard this poem, it of course reminded me of that
important day in my youth.

Just A Weaver

by Benjamine Malachi Franklin

My life is but a weaving, between my God and me,
I do not choose the colors, He worketh steadily.
Ofttimes he weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper, and I the underside.

Not till the loom is silent, and the shuttles cease to fly,
Will God unroll the canvas, and explain the reasons why
The dark threads are as needful, in the skillful weaver's hand
As threads of gold and silver, in the pattern He has planned.

More than one road to Maple Leaf Gardens

When I was young my father used to make little drawings when he explained
things to us, it was usually a visual diagram containing lines, boxes and
circles that would get connected and spill off the page as he spoke. I'll
never forget one such lesson, he said that when we went and watched the
Maple Leafs play a hockey game live, there were literally thousands of
different roads we could take - all leading from our house to Maple Leaf
Gardens. He tried to impress upon me the importance of respecting other
people's choices in this life. We are all in a sense trying to get to the
same arena, and once having arrived at our destination, it matters not what
route one takes or how long the journey. Parenthetically speaking, I would
later reason that statistically the Leafs had a better than equal chance of
losing no matter how the hell I got there.

In our search for truth we can take two different roads, the path of
acceptance, or the path of denial. Both lead to the same place as there is
only one truth at which to arrive. The path of affirmation, or the via
affirmativa, is the positive path, this method requires much effort as one
is trying to attain a sense of God through devotion, study and application.
The opposite is of course the via negativa, or the negative path. On this
road to truth we are required to do absolutely nothing at all - those who
choose this method will try and remain in a receptive state, as only your
stillness is required. The first path is an accumulation of study and
experience, the second requires a stripping away of knowledge to attain an
awareness of your inner being, and meditation is valued as a way to allow
the divine presence within you to be realized.

In our search for truth regarding 9/11 we can take two distinct roads. The
path of affirmation of the official theory means accepting everything we are
told by the US government on faith alone. There is no evidence for their
claims, but we are not supposed to question - don't ask to see the video
evidence they are hiding, the records of testimony from people like William
Rodriguez, or all those who received gag orders, etc. On the other side is
the 911 Truth movement's path of denial - the essential difference being, we
only have to show that the official story could not have happened - we are
not required to prove what actually did happen.

"The burden of proof rests upon he who affirms; not he who denies." -
Fundamental rule of evidence

This world of ours is comprised of so many things tied together by a
singularity, you can call it Truth, or God, or Tao, or even the "one story"
or "uni-verse". At the center of this universe is a reflection of reality
that is manifested through our consciousness - as all points of incongruity
swirl about our life, there is a calm truth to be found deep within our own
unique sense of being - if you can be still enough and take enough time and
effort to unlearn - all that remains is our awareness, or true perception.

"The longer I live the more convinced I become that life is 10 percent what
happens to us and 90 percent how we respond to it. I believe the single most
significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my choice of
attitude. It is more important than my past, my education, my bankroll, my
successes or failures, fame or pain, what other people think of me or say
about me, my circumstances, or my position. Attitude keeps me going or
cripples my progress. It alone fuels my fire or assaults my hope. When my
attitudes are right, there is no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no
dream too extreme, no challenge too great for me." - Charles R. Swindoll

As we were leaving the William Rodriguez presentation my friend asked me,
"Do you think the 911 truth movement is making any progress? It doesn't
seem like anything is happening and we don't seem to be winning this fight
for justice." I proceeded to give my opinion that in my mind we have
already won, truth to me does not require X percentage of the populace to be
valid - only that realization within one individual.

I believe William Rodriquez when he describes the bombs going off before the
planes hit - I don't know why he would make that up, being the kind of
person who would continually risk his life to save complete strangers. I
suppose he still holds the key to 9/11, both literally and figuratively. On
that day he used it to help save people's lives, and today we can use his
testimony to help unlock the truth about what happened - or more succinctly,
what didn't happen.

Heaven and Hell are truly within our consciousness at this very moment - so
is the truth about 9/11. Our lives are not comprised of billions of
disparate events - there is a unity that ties everything together, whether
you call it Nature, God, or the Way of Tao. That truth is to be found on a
personal level by each of us - the place we can find it is the same place it
has always been - inside our own consciousness. Our duty, no matter what
path we may choose, is to strip away and deny each layer of deception, and
then have the courage to look within ourselves and realize and affirm that
which is truth.

"There are two paths leading to oneness with the Tao. The first in the path
of acceptance. Affirm everyone and everything. Freely extend you goodwill
and virtue in every direction, regardless of circumstances. Embrace all
things as part of the Harmonious Oneness, and then you will begin to
perceive it. The second path is that of denial. Recognize that everything
you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth. Peel
all the veils away, and you will arrive at the Oneness. Though these paths
are entirely different, they will deliver you to the same place: spontaneous
awareness of the Great Oneness" - Lao Tzu


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