
Friday, October 26, 2007



DIES DOMINI is a Catholic internet research center, dedicated to promoting an informed dialogue between Catholics and Seventh-day Adventists.

As the Seventh-day Adventist Church extends its ministry across the globe, it advances many criticisms of the Catholic faith considered vital to its evangelistic program. Although Adventist theologians have devoted considerable time towards modernizing and refining these criticisms, no Catholic organ, lay or hierarchical, existed to counter them. Adventism's dynamic growth among predominately Catholic populations (e.g., in Latin America) underscores the need for true engagement between the two churches.

Founded by former Adventists who have embraced the Catholic faith, DIES DOMINI strives to be the most sophisticated resource for members of both churches open to such a dialogue: exemplifying the twin values of academic honesty and scholarly precision. Primarily, the sites serves the needs of Catholics, providing them with the resources needed to intelligently articulate Catholic theoloogy in an Adventist context. Ultimately, the project seeks to promote a formal ecumenical discussion between the two communities, precluding future incidents of public misrepresentation.

Our apostolate takes its name after the "Lord's day": the weekly festival of the resurrection. The sun in our logo represents the glory of Jesus of Christ (cf. Matt 17:2; Rev 1:16; Mal 4:2), who rose in triumph over death that Paschal morning. Our ministry's name also anticipates the eschatological "Day" of Jesus Christ, when all Christians will be united at last.

For inquiries, or assistance from our Catholic contributers:


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