
Thursday, October 11, 2007


Thursday, October 11

Ron Paul; nothing but net.

What are we to make of Ron Paul? …pretty much nothing and everything according to the pig farm press and the low roar of the voices outside the muffled doors of the ruling junta. Ron Paul is doing something that no one else, so far, has been effective at. Dr. Ron Paul has found the pulse of the country and the sleaze-balls who hijacked the ship of state don’t like it one bit.

He won the Michigan debate with numbers of 70 to 80% according to the CNBC poll; so they took the poll off the site. He wins everywhere and he has won everywhere and the money is pouring in. Dr. Paul, barring some- “wink, wink, nod, nod” event is going to be a real factor in the election. Ron Paul looks like he might win.

There are a very few other honest candidates; relatively honest candidates (in my opinion)- Kucinich, Gravel and possibly John Edwards; candidates who would certainly be better than anything we have had to work with for awhile.

Al Gore could have well been one of the best presidents America had but he got gang-raped and neutered by a nasty band of thugs who knew that the whole country was ripe for the same thing. It was an orgy of excess and abuse. They stole everything that wasn’t nailed down and then they sent out for crowbars.

John Kerry was a stalking horse who never intended to win. What they promised or threatened him with we will probably never know but we can take it prima facie that that is what happened.

So far the media has been content to not mention the truth about the numbers and just ignore Ron Paul. Other times they just make up their own numbers and the people nod their heads and migrate for the icebox. If people don’t hear about him then he probably isn’t there. The debate moderators are content to smirk into their sleeves and play chutes and ladders with the process.

The commentators don’t mention him and when they do it’s with a mocking, ‘he can’t win’ contempt. The entire mainstream media is all of a piece, owned and manipulated by a small cabal of neo-con imperialists, centered in Tel Aviv, London and Washington D.C.
At certain periods of history these same slithering reptiles appear again and again. They materialize in periods of confusion and uncertainty and they warp the mass understanding with a calculated series of events that herd the bi-pedal livestock along pre-determined routes. First they stoke their fear, then they grab their minds and their hearts and asses follow.

Whether it’s the sinking of a battleship, a Reichstag Fire or a 9/11- 7/7 series of false flag actions, they manage to facilitate the will of the bankers and fill the coffers with booty while the public is shaking their own.

You would think that people would catch on after awhile. For some reason this formula always works. It’s probably because most people just aren’t very bright. Those that are can be had through intimidation or a piece of the action.

Yes, this Ron Paul is a problem. He is catching the heart of the people and they are responding. Every public poll you see, whether it’s on MSNBC or CNN invariably shows Ron Paul with a massive volume of support. FoxNews says that a small handful of Ron Paul supporters are manipulating the data. A cursory look at the potential for this proves it is a lie and begs the question that if it is possible to do… then… why aren’t all of the other candidates doing the same thing?

There’s no difference between Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush. Her vote on the Lieberman/Kyl bill showed that. Her snuggling with Rupert Murdoch in the cloakroom tells us even more. I used to defend her. I used to hope for something from her. She sold her soul for the wrong kind of power. The same people that own Bush own her.

Obama is a callow poster boy for glamour over substance and the rest of the field doesn’t warrant an opinion.

I do not agree with Ron Paul on all of his positions. However, I am a utopian in a world that will never see it and my views on how things should be and what the right course ought to be are not important. I don’t represent the general views of the American people in any identifiable way. I’m not even an American anymore, if I ever was.

America seems to be blessed with a mysterious protection that brims forth in dark hours. All along the course of America’s short journey to the top of the heap she has been the beneficiary of some serendipity of the right people showing up at the right time. Even with all of the ugliness in her history and the continuous effort to control her for all the wrong reasons she seems to have always found her way forward. I begin to wonder if Ron Paul is not another expression of that.

I don’t know Ron Paul and I don’t trust politicians. Politicians can be expected to behave as long as the constitution is strong and a solid balance of power exists; as long as there is an informed public. I don’t know what Ron Paul plans to do about the pernicious influence of Israel upon American domestic and foreign policy. The biggest problem in the world today is Israel and unless they are brought to heel there is no telling where events may lead.

What I do know is that Ron Paul is most often captured telling the truth. Nothing is more undesirable for the present rise of fascism than truth-tellers. It is far more undesirable that they would seek the highest office in the land. Out of the blue here comes Ron Paul and there is no doubt that he has captured the popular imagination. It will be interesting to see what the criminals who are presently in control are intending to do about him.

Ron Paul appeals across the board to a very wide spectrum of the population. He has managed to position himself on every issue in a way that makes a strong connection with large blocks of voters. He is one scary guy and that’s a very good thing.

These times in which we are living appear like a drunk lurching down the sidewalk. There is no vision and there is no room for honest speech and action. The police are behaving like private contractors. The people have lost their own integrity and replaced it with empty rituals of obeisance to a corporation Jesus or they wander in the flesh-pits of instant gratification. Their leaders are hollow vessels filled with sound-bites and false promises. Ron Paul can only be a good thing by comparison.

Until now there has been nothing that has stoked the fires of possibility with the same power. Most of the people know that 9/11 didn’t happen the way they said it did but that hasn’t come to much. Most of the people want out of Iraq and know that lies led you into it but that hasn’t come to much. Most of the people know that Bush and his handlers are criminals but that hasn’t come to much. Most of the people voted in a new congress that had assured them they would make the necessary changes and that has come to nothing.

Nothing is going to happen until you have the sense to support and vote for honest men and women because nothing can change until there are people in a position to change things. Given what we’ve seen of the swine at the helm I would say that Ron Paul could be in a lot of danger. But maybe, as I said, this is another one of those times where America is the beneficiary of some mysterious force. If that is the case then, America- you have my congratulations. If not, you have my deepest sympathy from a distance.

My Pickup Truck is Pregnant


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