
Saturday, December 15, 2007


Shadows of Power:
The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline
by James Perloff

This new 2002 edition-includes an updated list of CFR members! James Perloff exposes the subversive roots and global designs of the CFR. Passed off as a think-tank, this group is a key "power behind the throne," with hundreds of top-appointed government officials drawn from its ranks. Perloff traces its activities from the Wilson to the Reagan administrations.

From the book's back cover:

"Does America have a hidden oligarchy? Is U.S. foreign policy run by a closed shop? What is the Council on Foreign Relations? It began in 1921 as a front organization for J.P. Morgan and Company. By World War II it had acquired unrivaled influence on American foreign policy. Hundreds of U.S. government administrators and diplomats have been drawn from its ranks - regardless of which party has occupied the White House. But what does the Council on Foreign Relations stand for? Why do the major media avoid discussing it? What has been its impact on America's past - and what is it planning for the future? These questions and more are answered by James Perloff in The Shadows of Power"

Read the following laudatory reviews:

"Wake up America! This book could be titled "Suppressed American History of the 20th Century." Perloff traces the history of the American Establishment, through its political arm, the Council on Foreign Relations. The aims of the CFR and the Establishment are clear - a World Government, removal of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. What is more frightening is the Establishment control of the media and education. Please read this book! You will never watch the news the same way again." [This reviewer gave the book a '5 star review']

"Excellent and timely. Mr. Perloff presents a well documented and thoughtful portrayal of American history through the lens one of who understands the insidiousness of the Establishment. This should be required reading in high schools throughout America. I make this last comment as the concerned parent of teenagers who are being taught history from a decidely globalist and socialist perspective in our schools, which are paid for with hard earned capitalist dollars. It is truly a shame.

Perloff describes beautifully and with a proper sense of wonder some of the history of John Birch. Yes, this is the same man for whom the society is named. If you don't know this story of courage and faith, it alone is well worth the price of the book. Read. Learn. And spread the word." [This reviewer also gave the book a '5 star review']

"You must read this! This isn't one of those "aliens are probing us!" conspiracy books. This is a very detailed and FACTUAL book. There are several references to back the facts printed in this book. I've read this book twice (probably read it again) now and can't get over the painstaking detail provided" [This reviewer also gave the book a '5 star review']

A fascinating introduction to, and historical overview of, the immensely-influential and powerful organisation which has rightfully been called "America's secret government"!


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