
Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Too Little, too late: Got your wish?
Instead of Wag the Dog, or Dog and Pony Show.
We just witnessed the Greatest Show on Earth,
which proves (once and for all) that the hand is quicker than the eye.

The Fed is running around like a chicken with its head chopped off. Oops, how about 3/4 per cent?
The President of the U.S. is calling for $800-$1600 Rebates; The check's in the mail expect it by early Summer. Congress is conducting meetings with the President, Cabinet, and Lobbysts. Help is on the way!

Yeah, like when Katrina?

All this "act as if", going through the motions, is almost convincing.
Yet, we know that the mad dash to spend every copper penny in the nation's coffers was intentional and premeditated.
It was one big "Go For Broke Game".
The Occupation, called "War on Terror" was intended to bankrupt the world's only free enterprise democracy.
There were plenty of resources to provide the nation with many years of continued growth and prosperity.
First, we were scared into believing the Y2K Hype. When that failed to materialize, we were hit with a whammy.
Enter 911 Terror Attacks at New York City and The Pentagon. And the race was on. Spend a billion $ in Afghanistan, then another billion $ in Iraq. That was 6 1/2 years ago, the cost at this point is incalculable. Whether you count the lives lost, Americans or Muslims. How much is a human life worth? Well, the economic cost of this endeavor has devastated the country. How can President Bush and his cronies, or any politician who has colluded in this fiasco now look for a band-aid cure for the nation's ills. Are you crazy? You got what you wanted! How do you deputize a posse to round-up some villains, without intending on bringing in any one in to face the Judge? Just shoot, bomb, imprison, torture, and ask questions later? While you spend the loot like there's no tomorrow. Where was this money coming from? The Presidential 'Petty Cash' account? So, please stop the scurrying about like an EMT or Emergency Room Intern. All the drama is not gonna' get you an Oscar. We saw through the script, that the intentions were to de-stabilize the nation's economy. What will you do next, declare a National Emergency, declare war on Domestic-Dissenters, impose Martial Law? We knew from day one, we were being put on (Or as they say in TEXAS we were being had), we just didn't know it would be a Horror Show. So, weep, and wallow. Your make-up's running. Keep pouting; It's almost credible.
The Show must go on. Hurry, Hurry, step right up!
See the once thriving e-con-omee with a beard, and naked!

Batten down the bunkers!
Head for the South American Haciendas!
You got what you wanted!

What's next? What's next? Einstein, What's next? Don't tell me you found Bin Laden. It's too litlle, too late.

P.S. The red and purple strings are showing!


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