
Thursday, February 28, 2008


Today, I was listening to an Evangelical Pastor speak about prayer on the radio. He enumerated several things he consired vital to pray for.
Then, he mentioned: Thank you, Lord, for the cup of coffee I had this morning.
This is something that continues to baffle me. It amazes me that someone can claim to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, and yet indulge in a drug called coffee. If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature. With these words in mind; Who can espouse a Christ like character while under the influence of Caffeine. As the saying goes: A drug, is a drug, is a drug. It may be over the counter, available at Walgreen's, or Starbucks, or illegal and found in the underground world of the hooked. Yet, it remains a mind altering, and habit forming drug.

When I hear these Christian Charlatans proclaim that they are doing it for the Kingdom. Or, that they ar trying to win back the nation for Christ. It makes me wonder what Bible traslation/version they are reading. I have found nowhere in my Bible, where it refers to winning the world for Christ. The Kingdom of God is not in this temporal world. It's in the world to come. We will only take one thing from this earthly abode. That will be our character, nothing else. No one else. We will not ever, in a million years, if the Lord were to tarry that long, win the world for Christ. Get that through your head. Jesus said that if the world hated Him, we should expect the same. Not, that the world would recognize us as His chosen, and join us in preparing for His return. Au contraire, mon frere. They would fight and persecute His elect. So the next time you want to conquer 'the world' for Christ, after having that morning cup of coffee; Don't think you're doing it for Him? You're not getting that from the word of God. It might be your coffee talking to you, brother!


1 comment:

  1. So the Book of Genesis is superceeded by William Randolf Hearst's satanic drug war?
