
Monday, February 11, 2008



About Sealed Discussions:

WARNING! The rest of this page below contains information that is sealed off from the Truth of Adventism Defended Forum. This means that no discussion is to be brought against the points proven in most of the links below. Those with this designation will be clearly marked. Any subscriber who brings up the points which have been disproven in the following list of discussions will be likely regarded as an offender and can be unsubscribed. We had to do this for we discovered that we were dialoguing with unscrupulous members of the papal army. Even after conclusive points were presented to the point where they dared not answer them, they continued to present their redundant points and merely mocked our questions away or laughed at them. We therefore have to institute this principle so as not the waste the time of the people.

The only way discussion upon these points can be brought up again is if the argument(s) are wholly unique in character. All challenges must be issued by applying directly to the owner of the forum, Mr. Ted McMillan:

How many times have we heard it! What is even the purpose of this website! The issue at hand is the special preparation the saints must make for the end in light of the danger they are in. This preparation deals with what comes beside the spiritual. No one argues that spiritual preparation is necessary. People are telling us that if we make physical preparation also, that is cold and hard factual evidence that we are not spiritually prepared. They are telling us that we must make no physical preparation for what is coming. My assumption is that if a person is spiritually ready, he would automatically understand the necessity for the physical preparation and the preaching of the end-time messages.

What answer should we therefore give the many around us who approach us and tell us that we have a "fear-based religion." Maybe the first thing we should tell them is that they are not to judge: a frequent saying coming from their mouths. Maybe we should tell them to stick with their own views and stop trying to be uppity enough to lord their opinions over on us. How about if we told them where they can preach their messages to? What do I mean by that?

Why not just envision Noah in his day when he was preaching about the Flood that was to come, and the special preparation necessary in the construction of the ark. The first logical question is what are human being saved by? Are they saved by a boat? or are they saved by Jesus Christ? Is Jesus Christ all the sinner needs for salvation? If that was so, what was the purpose of the ark? Was it possible that some could have remained off the boat and just trusted in the Lord for their salvation?

I know this reasoning may sound silly, but these are the issues that approach us every day. Some very strange people among us are taking advantage of our illiteracy, so to speak, in this matter. We would not even address this topic if we knew that people were intelligent enough to not be deceived upon these issues. The fact is that in Adventism, most believers are deceived when it comes to these very issues.

The scriptures tell us that Noah was a preacher of righteousness. If we were to take the literal writing of the scriptures, what topic therefore must we conclude that Noah gave the most emphasis? Jesus?

Taking the word of God alone, we would have to conclude that Noah preached mostly about a flood that was to come, a boat that was to be constructed to withstand the flood, and the necessity of every individual getting on that boat. No one was to board that boat without confessing and forsaking his sins.

If those who approached us and told us that we have a "fear-based religion" were therefore in Noah's day, what would happen? Do you understand that we were witnesses and participants on an internet discussion forum? That forum was filled with jesuits who were posting. Those jesuits were telling us that we have to give up Ellen White and the doctrines of our church while telling us that they are calling for freedom of thought and opinion. They were telling us that we have to join with all the other churches in ecumenical union. Of course, they did not tell us they were jesuits. Some of them claimed to be Adventists and naturally put up quite a storm about being identified as jesuits, but we know better and know that they are jesuits because we know them by what they do and not what they claim to be. Everytime we suggested physical preparation for what was coming they became quite concerned and began quoting scripture to us telling us that we must not be concerned about the evil of tomorrow, but we must just trust in the Lord. They were telling us that we were not to have concerns, but we dwelling upon that particular issue of physical preparation for the storm to come always made them concerned enough to know that they don't dare remain silent. We know that the great inquisition is coming, and they know that too. It would really bother them if people were prepared for it.

Throughout most of the time spent on that internet forum, those strange people were posting against Ellen White and the danger she is to the truth. When we posted about what Rome was doing (also through their efforts) they posted in questions asking us whether or not we believed that God can conquer all enemies, including Rome. We replied to them if it was ever possible that the Lord can conquer the old, "false profit", "Jezebel" who was struck on the head with a rock. We were referring to Ellen White when we made that statement because most of the posts of these strange people were to attack, condemn, slander and destroy Ellen White's influence. They were the ones who made up those names for Ellen White while pushing a new and strange "gospel" they were telling us we should accept containing Christ's righteousness, while showing us that we must accept it. They always posted their grave concerns that Adventists will continue to listen to her. If they decide to listen to her, they will not think about uniting with all the churches under their pope. They can never hide the fact that this bothers them a great deal.

Essentially, what was proven was that everyone has concerns. The deceived have concerns just as much as the deceivers. They were telling us that it was wrong and a lack of faith to have concerns over a deceptive and deadly behemoth power now encasing the globe in a horrible hold of eternal death, while they were yet showing grave concerns about the fact that Adventists still believe in Ellen White--a person they even told us is not worth any concern.

Yet as people make comments to us stating that we have a fear-based religion, I instantly remembered a time I witnessed Mark Finley on a satellite system on 3ABN expostulating on the seige against the Children of Israel by the Assyrian king Sennacherib (1 Kings 19). He remarked about Hezekiah taking the threatening letter sent to him by Sennacherib where Sennacherib commanded them all to surrender themselves and their possessions to him. Hezekiah was found laying the letter before the Lord and afflicting himself in light of what was about to happen. Alot of other people in the city did the same thing. Hezekiah did not think of celebrating at that time. Hezekiah somehow couldn't understand that the Lord does not give His children the spirit of fear, but of love and power.

Mark Finley told how they rallied able and strong men together to dig a tunnel quickly so that they can have water to drink while the possible seige would take place. Why all this FEAR? Would not those ancient people have appreciated the seeming words of confidence commonly exhibited by our people today who are facing a worse and a much more gross danger?

What about when Haman was able to secure the edict against the Jews in Esther's day? What did the Jews do in light of what was about to happen to them? What dance did they learn in their celebration? They fasted and prayed earnestly for three days before Queen Esther walked into the chambers of King Ahaseurus to make her desperate request.

My argument is that there are enemies infiltrated among us. With danger all around us, these people have been partly planted among us to make sure that we are not prepared neither physically nor spiritually for what is coming. If we get concerned about the danger we are in, they will become concerned about us being concerned, to the point where they must get us to celebrate and do the boogie-woogie in church.

Can someone therefore expound for me on this doctrine of celebration? What is fear? What is wrong with fear? We can see that often fear was a necessity in the bible, and that it had different meanings. Other than that, who is here to tell me that all we are supposed to do is to celebrate, and the Lord will levitate us in the air when all the trouble hits since we were trained by our enemies to do nothing? Is it true that the Lord is too loving to leave us in the midst of deadly trouble, but will levitate us in the air even though we refuse to do what He has told us to do?

Haven't any of you noticed that Ellen White was continually described by her enemies as being a very "excitable" person? How it is that Satan's servants are always telling people that they should not be excited? That does have its time and place, but what when God's people, and yea the whole world is in danger and no one is doing a thing about it? We face a worse danger today, for persecution and issues unexpected are about to hit us. If we give in to the forced mandates, we will have to live in the flames of hell at least a day and a night according to the Third Angels Message. Why would God be so cruel? The deadly future under the reign of the Antichrist unrestrained will reveal the answer to that question.

How does Ellen White compare with us? Remember the Alpha apostasy that took place at the turn of the 20th century in her day? She was very concerned about all that was happening, and she was predicting a great calamity to take place at that time. Her prediction was fulfilled in the first world war, which closed down whole vast countries to the Gospel. Ellen White then stated that the Omega was coming in the future just before Christ comes, and that it will be worse than what she experienced in the Alpha. Why wouldn't it be worse? During the Alpha, there was liberty and no persecution here in the United States. Things will be different in the near future, but to be concerned about the lack of interest and preparation is termed paranoia, "fear-based religion" and the like.

Do everything God says. Follow everything prescribed for spiritual and physical preparation!

THEN. . .



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