
Thursday, February 14, 2008


Ever since November 2007, the local Televison Channels have been constantly running public information messages heralding the demise of analog broadcasting. They inform us that those that watch television with antennas will not be able to do so, after Feb. 17, 2009. Digital bradcasting will then be the only broadcast transmission signal offered, and those that don't have cable, sattelite, a converter, or a new T.V. , will not receive a signal.

I don't have cable, satellite, or a new T.V. I will not buy a converter either. Currently I watch the "noose" and weather only. I will only use my set to watch DVD's or VHS's. I refuse to pay any more money for something that fundamentally is demoralizing and decadent. Will digital broadcasting change the trashy content of the programs? Will High Definition convince me of the lies and hypocrisy they perpetrate on television? Or rather, will it be just as clear who the world serves: The prince of the air; The lust of the flesh, the desire of unclean things. Remember, anything that is not 'truth' is of the prince of the air, the father of lies.

Television programing was originally a free sevice that provided news, entertainment, and culture;
Two of which were PBS programming, and NBC Nightly News. The revenues were generated by commercials, which were mostly innocent and wholesome. Yet, television was free.
In the late 1960's Cable (Teleprompter) Television was introduced; It was mainly local, commercial free, and offered, public access programming, which was so informative. Then HBO, Showtime, and MTV, entered the market in the early 1980's, cable became more money and propaganda oriented. Commercials were introduced and the original motive for cable (city dwellers had up to a dozen local channels to watch) which was no commercials was forgotten and abadoned. Also T.V. became mostly violence and gratuitous sex. Since then it has greatly deteriorated, and I'm amazed that any one would pay to bring that negativity into the homes, their families. Poor children, poor marriages, poor mentally challenged people. Who needs enemies, when T. V.
is welcomed at homes as your best friend?

So, no I will not rush to buy a converter. I will not scurry to buy a new set at Wal-Mart. I will not subcribe to
Cox Cable. I wil not subscribe to Direct TV.

While we're on this subject (I'm on a roll now), I won't get Lowjack for the car. I won't subscribe to Onstar.
Also, I don't need your iris scans, biometric readings, DNA tests, indentity theft protection.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
And I absolutely, positively don't need your flu shots, or micro-chips.
You now! Ah, mean! (contemporary expressions)

No gimmicks for me, I already gave at the office!
I'm not interested in all your Y2K or 401K fear mongering tactics.
I'm well of aware of prophecy and what lies ahead for the Lord's flock, and will be better off without the confusion.



  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Go lembert!
    My first blog to anyone,i don't know if you will receive it.
    Your site is a trove,too much for only one - or just a few - passes.
    I'll be back often. Thanks.

  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I agree, I'll stop watching tv before buying into this digital tv nonsense, I wonder what they'll do with all the free airwaves... Chinese styled surveillance perhaps. With digital signals tv stations will know what I watch, that's a little weird.

  3. Anonymous7:18 PM

    that's sounds rightous...i care for cell phones less and less. physical and mental enslavements that lessen the purity of mankind.

  4. Anonymous9:05 PM

    For a long time older people in the south called tv the "devil's eye". Now I think it may literally be the truth. Think about it, why the mandatory change. Whats wrong with analog tv? The sad truth is that there now exists the technology that through cable,satellites,converter boxes, or HD TV's "THEY" will be able to watch you while you watch tv. That's the real reason. It's all in preparation for the approaching police state/one-world government/New World Order. "THEY" means illuminati. Spread the truth.

  5. Anonymous3:05 PM

    If you change your mind and want to understand what all the hoopla is about, you can go to and a very clear and concise explanation is there. I don't blame you for not wanting to spend a lot of money as much of what is on television is garbage, but there are a few good religious sites I enjoy on Sunday afternoons and during the week.

  6. Anonymous8:57 PM

    They want everything digital so they can control everything we see and hear going on in the world. They see us as well since the new technology has come so far. they can see right in your living room using the television set. The old analog channels will most likily become secret communication channels or god knows what else. Yep! wont belong now. So many people are so easily brainwashed into believing everything they see and hear. almost everyone is on some form of medication these days. Clinically insane and half dead seems to be the outcome. The real PICTURE to this whole digital nightmare is seen very clearly to me and others I know.

  7. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I am 30 years old, and am shocked at the changes I have seen, just in my lifetime, due to the advancement of technology. When I was a child we played outside all day. All my children want to do is watch television and play video games. It's very alarming when your children know things beyond their years, and they did not learn it from a parent. So much for the birds and bees talk, we all would give our children at the right time. Television did that for us, without us having a clue! The evil is surrounding us, and it is difficult, these days, not to drown in it! Children are not sensitive to death, sex, violence, or drug and alcohol use because the see and live it everyday on television, video games, and computers. It is a very sad time for this world! Think about how much of this garbage your kids see everyday, and how different kids are these days! Children are disrespectful, grades are slipping, their on drugs, and they think they are grown, when they really have a long way to go! I'm not saying all kids are troubled, but their not the same wholesome kids, they would be, if they were not exposed to this garbage. You really can't escape it, it's all around us. It's not just at home, anymore, it's at their friends house, at school, at work, on television, in music, on the computer, on their video games. We would have to cut our selves off completely to be safe from the overexposure of crap. Which, at some point, I would like to do. I would love to move to a remote location and homeschool my children. and throw all this technology in the closest dumpster. If only I could afford to do that. I mourn for all who are changed forever by the garbage technology brings them!
