
Sunday, February 24, 2008


Obama is in the sights of Hillary Rodham Clinton's wrath-gun for the second time in a week.
HRClinton unloaded on BH Obama like Ma' Barker. Hillary fired on her rival like Annie Oakley.
She shot at him like Patty Hearst.
She added: "Shame on you, Barack Obama. It is time you ran a campaign consistent with your messages in public. That's not what I expect from you. Meet me in Ohio -- let's have a debate about your tactics."

"Enough about the speeches, and the big rallies, and then using tactics right out of Karl Rove's playbook," she said angrily. "This is wrong and every Democrat should be outraged."

She accused Obama of "using tactics that are straight out of Karl Rove's playbook."1
She really displayed a hot temper in a Cincinnati minute.
Boy was she hot. If looks could kill?
I acknowledge, her reputation preceeds her.
Will we be sore---ry if she gets her way and gets elected.
Again. It's deja vous, all over again!
If you ask me Hillary is making a mountain out of a mole hill...
As far as I was concerned, all's fair in poli-tricks and show-business.
What's wrong with giving Hillary a dose of her own Social Medicine?
It's healthy, it's Democratic.
Free exchange of opinions, and below the cuff jabs.
Like they say in Hollywood and New York: You can't make this stuff up!
Or, is it really political theater.
Oh, now I get it. It' a political charade. Where's the cotton candy?
Three Bronx cheers for Heel-aree.
Hip, Hip, Hoor-eee!
Now yous guys, no hitting below the belt, (remember she has glasses) take only clean shots;
Go to your corners and come out fighting!
Tiger Woods, I mean Barack Obama, training.
Hillary must be a Vast right wing Conspiracy Magnet.

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