
Thursday, April 17, 2008


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The Antichrist is Here
by Colin D. & Russell R. Standish

In The Antichrist Is Here, the authors look carefully at the Scriptural identification of the Antichrist. They have researched the historical identification of past generations and are convinced that the Antichrist is present on earth now. You will read undeniable evidence in support of their findings. They have taken especially those events which have transpired in the last decade and measured them in the light of Biblical prophecy. This is a must read for those who are interested in Biblical prophecy and its outworking in contemporary history. (185 pages)

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The Lord's Day
by Colin D. & Russell R. Standish

In The Lord's Day, the authors thoroughly researched the claims made in favor of the apostolic roots of the Lord's Day, Sunday. "The Lord's Day" is a term used only once in scripture. John the beloved declared in Revelation 1:10, "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day." In his famous encyclical Dies Domini, Pope John Paul II commenced with these words, "The Lord's Day--as Sunday was called from apostolic times...." To many Protestants, this was an unexpected and much approved declaration from the pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. Protestants were not accustomed to hear such a declaration issuing forth from Roman Catholic sources, let alone from the supreme pontiff himself. (320 pages)

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The Perils of Ecumenism
by Colin D. & Russell R. Standish

The march of ecumenism seems unstoppable and has gained support from political elements as well as widening its vision to incorporate all Christian and non-Christian religions under its umbrella. The declared goals of the ecumenical movement--peace, harmony and unity--are noble objectives; however, the authors demonstrate that the holy Scriptures plainly set forth the ecumenical movement as a deception of Satan. This book merits careful consideration by the architects of the ecumenical movement as well as Christians persuaded to support the movement's faulted objectives. (416 pages)

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The Pope's Letter and Sunday Laws
by Russell R. & Colin D. Standish

In The Pope's Letter and Sunday Laws, the authors examine the biblical foundations upon which Pope John Paul II seeks to buttress his cleverly crafted "apostolic letter," Dies Domini. Even the undoubted skill of the Pope and his scholarly advisors cannot mask the fallacies of his conclusions. The authors show emphatically that the Pope's assertions are in deep contradiction to the record of the Holy Bible and that of history. To accept uncritically the Pope's conclusions would lead the reader into the trap of deadly error and would draw one away from the truths enunciated by Christ. John's illumination of the end times in Revelation chapter 13 reveals two superpowers at the end of this earth's history which will unite together to fearfully persecute those who will yield their will only to Christ and His truth. These powers are identified by the authors. (116 pages)

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The Rapture and the Antichrist
by Russell R. & Colin D. Standish

The Rapture and the Antichrist sets forth the plainest truths of Scripture directing Protestantism back to its Biblical roots. It will challenge the thinking of all Christians, counter the fictions of the Left Behind series, and plant the reader’s spiritual feet firmly on the platform of Scripture. (287 pages)

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The Rapture, the End-Times, and the Millennium
by Russell R. & Colin D. Standish

The Rapture, The End-Times and the Millennium opens the reader's mind to a clear understanding of areas of the end time which have led to much perplexity among lay people and theologians alike. It is also guaranteed to open to the reader Biblical issues which, when understood in the light of Scripture, dispel many of the perplexities presently confronting those who are searching for a clear Biblical exposition regarding the last cataclysmic days of Earth's history. (377 pages)

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