
Monday, April 14, 2008


Ms. Rodham Clinton several dacades before all the plastic surgery and $400 coiffures.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton made headlines this week-end by focusing on a statement that Senator Barack Obama made recently in Pennsylvania. Obama said that some people there were "bitter"; That's what the latest brouhaha is all about. It seems that there's something wrong with saying people are bitter. Well let's pull out the Roget's Thesaurus and find a more suitable euphemism. How about acrid? Or absinthian, or embittered? How about sardonic or acrimonious? Does this sound elitist to you Ms. Junior Senator from New York, ex-First Lady of the U.S., ex-First Lady of Arkansas, and ambitious Lawyer-Yale alumnus? What was the recent revelation of her net worth? Not, $109 Mill-ion? Elitist, hah? What balderdash? Poppycock, even!

Ms. Rodham Clinton ought to just fold her carpet bag, and go back to Washington to run the business of representing her "home" state. I think if anyone's an elitist it's Hill-ary. Obama doesn't stand a change in winning the election. But, pesky Clinton doesn't either. She should just give it a rest. The nation needs you as president, as much as New York needs you to represent it. Take two aspirins and report to congress where there's never enough "hot air".


P.S."I don't make the news, I just have a negative reaction to horsefeathers".