
Friday, April 04, 2008


Rupert Murdoch Is Not the Antichrist

Proof revealed at Georgetown University.

By Jack Shafer

Updated Wednesday, April 2, 2008, at 7:05 PM ET

Rupert Murdoch addressed the students and faculty of Georgetown University this afternoon, explaining the "creative destruction" wrought upon the news and entertainment industries by changing technology. Murdoch cast himself as a relentless competitor, which he is, who has taken on entrenched monopolies and oligopolies around the world, which is also true. (FishbowlDC's Patrick W. Gavin live-blogged the event.)

As speeches go, it neither electrified the crowd nor induced itchy posterior syndrome. Murdoch got off a couple of good jokes about the similarities between the Jesuits, who founded Georgetown, and his company, News Corp.

"The Jesuits and News Corp. attract highly talented people from all over the world. The Jesuits and News Corp. like to challenge the status quo. And both the Jesuits and News Corp. have a reputation of independence and innovation. Of course, there are some differences. I don't want to discourage anyone from considering the priesthood, but I will tell you that at News Corp. we don't insist on vows of poverty or chastity," Murdoch said. "And as chief executive, I can tell you I'm not sure about the degree of obedience, either."