
Thursday, May 15, 2008


Persecution has begun in Texas

In the 1990's there was the fatal siege and raid on Waco, Texas. Last month, the persecution of separatists, which the government calls a dangerous sect, spread to a settlement near EL DO-RAID-O, Texas.
Here, 400 or so children were apprehended and handed to the children welfare authorities for their safety.
What a farce?
Well, my opinion is that persecution of the children of God in the Land of the Pilgrims has begun in Texas.
Now , we hear that there's another "sect" in Texas, that's being watched for possible and probable intervention.

It's hypocritical that the state where the 'western' White House (Crawford) is located, should outright persecute believers who reside in that domain; While the President (son of TEXAS taxes) of the country welcomes, entertains, and parades, the head of a 'church' who's clerics and lay people, have sodomised and raped thousands of minors, children, infants. While, Benedict gallivanted through our capital, praising our nation of its religious liberties; Latter Day Saints and their children were being herded and separated like texas longhorns. Benedict was then allegedly flown in a U.S. military helicopter to New York City, aka "ground zero", in the New World Order jargon. All the while military assault vehicles were used to attack a bunch of defenseless (tax paying citizens) women, children, and men in a Texas community. Wait, I thought "it takes a village"?

The state has the right to enforce laws and deprive people of their pursuit of happiness if they 'feel' that the individual is a member of a sect? Fundamentalist, they call it. It's like the Spanish Inquisition, snuck across the border unawares of all the fat 'hireling' authorities, and has now begun to enforce CANON LAW, in this Protestant haven, called U.S.A.

B.O.L.O. (FMO): Be On the Look Out - for more offenses.

The Inquisition in the North American Union has started.

  • Do you now see why they wanted a Union with Mejico and the Dominion of Canada?
  • Mejico is one of the most ruthlessly catholic nations on the planet where disorder rules, and where Protestants routinely have their utilities cut-off, and are sometimes chased by crowds of catholics from their homes and towns, some are frequently murdered without police intervention.
  • Canada is mostly an Anglican ( the difference a violet-purple shirt) country where Christians are already muzzled as to what they preach or express publicly, because of the restrictive hate speech laws which levy severe penalties for "libel". Then, the French Canadian (Les Acadiens: je me souvien) part is almost wholly catholic.


P.S. The droves of infiltrators continue to flow through the un-watched borders to fill the nation with
devotees of the virgin mary.

Yet, they are fastidiously scrutinizing Americans who they call fundamentalists'!

Watching like a hawk vs. looking the other way!