
Friday, May 30, 2008


It's official that the Texas Supreme Court has ruled that the FLDS children confiscated from their parents on April 3, 2008 , near El Do-RAID-o, Texas, should be returned to their parents. The Texas high court ruled that the removal of the children from their parents at the Yearning for Zion Ranch was unwarranted. These children are currently placed in 'better living conditions' on the Texas foster care system.

More than 450 children were initially taken into protective custody after an allegation of child sexual abuse at the ranch. The claim was made by a caller who said she was 16 years old and being abused at the complex. But state officials say they have not located the girl, and there is growing evidence the call was a hoax.1

The hypocrisy of this Machiavellian abuse of government power is that while certain states want to intrude into the lives of austere religious individuals exercising their God given rights (and guaranteed by the Constitution) to worship in the manner that they choose, other states are opening the flood gates of Hell by legislating in favor of gay and lesbian marriage. In other words, Texas barges in on FDLS "Polygamist Sect" and apprehends their children to prevent older men from marrying young girls; While California, Massachusetts, and New York State, legislate to allow same gender marriages. Is this insanity or what? The concept that these two issues have in common is marriage. Texas is concerned on how many wives a person has; While CA., MA., and NY., want anyone to marry in spite of the biological impossibilities! Texas wants to protect its boys and girls, so they say; While these other states want men to marry men, and women to marry women. Aren't the court dockets full of cases that have been waiting for their day in court that have precedence? Yet, these intrusive laws in one instance, and frivolous and outlandish in the other, take up priority when more constructive and just causes are languishing? What do I see in all this confusion? Two sides of the spectrum: I see a Texas-sized blunder, a California style Holly-wood fantasy, and a New York 'Empire State' mess in the works.

Where's the just-ice? Justice is blind, and it's getting more blind by the second as humanity descends into sin. It's as if their discernment is beclouded by gibberish, and they can only focus on nonsense, and decadence. As if they abhor righteousness, and are fascinated by depravity. Meanwhile, all the media spin is continually : Sex and the City, Sex and the City, Sex and the City....

My brethren, my friends the Lord is calling His faithful children to repent and separate themselves from a world that has gone amok and is descending into utter confusion. Won't you take His offer today? Accept His invitation for Salvation. He is coming soon. Will you be like the faithful virgins and prepare? My prayer is that you heed His call. The signs of the times are all about. Read Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 17 & 21; And you'll see the warnings Jesus gave us to watch for. The prophetic times are here. Prepare!
Arsenio A. Lembert Jr.


Here's are some current articles that substantiate what I've discussed:

Calif. ruling revives gay marriage debate
State urges California Supreme Court not to delay same-sex marriages

NY to recognize same-sex marriage
Fighting Same-Sex Policy Seems to Be Uphill Battle
