
Thursday, June 26, 2008


Pope encourages Honduran bishops to counter sects' influence

Vatican, Jun. 26, 2008 ( - Pope Benedict XVI (bio - news) met on June 26 with the Catholic bishops of Honduras, encouraging them to protect the faith against the "the spread of secularism and the proselytism of sects."

In Honduras, the Pope said, a strong Catholic culture has been nourished by "numerous and deep-rooted practices of popular devotion." Implicitly recognizing the past influence of pagan practices, the Pope noted that over time these Catholic devotions have been "purified of elements alien to the faith."

Today the people of Honduras need to recover "a sense of belonging to the Church," the Pope said. He advised the bishops-- who were concluding the ad limina visits-- to undertake "a bold and far-reaching effort of evangelization, founded - rather than on the effectiveness of material means and human plans - on the power of the Word of God, faithfully accepted, humbly experienced and trustingly announced."

Touching on themes that he brings up regularly with the bishops who travel to Rome for their ad limina meetings, the Holy Father urged the Honduran prelates to pay special attention to the formation of priests and the protection of marriage. He noted with approval "the important step taken by including an explicit recognition of marriage in your country's constitution," while cautioning that legislation alone is not sufficient protection against the forces that undermine proper understanding of Christian marriage.

Pope Benedict also mentioned the problems of poverty, environmental destruction, and corruption that continue to trouble the Central American country. He asked the bishops to continue their efforts to promote Catholic social teaching and especially to ease poverty, reminding them that the original Apostles were known for their care for the poor.


Bolds and Highlights added for emphasis. Blogman.