
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"Generalisimo" Arbusto, The "Latin" American Dictator

Don Jorge Arbusto = George Bush

The omniscient and omnipotent (I wonder if he can pronounce, let alone spell either words) President of the United States of America, has apparently transformed himself into a "Generalissimo", a la Banana Republic style.
The Latin American Despots, Trujillo, Peron, Pinochet, Batista, Somoza, Torrijos, and Franco, have found an American President who has learnt from their modus operandi.

Rafael L. Trujillo and Francisco Franco

Bush now constantly claims executive privilege when investigations are conducted in regards to his involvement in abuse of presidential powers; It's as if he is above the law. He's the Michael Jordan of Presidents: He plays his ball above the rim! He can do no wrong.
The morass that has become 'the war on terror', has bankrupted the nation, is partially his creation. Remember, the repetitive "Stay the Course", mantra? Yet, he claims that everything is fine; A rose garden, even. Yes, from his perspective (The White Hose), everything is simply rosy, and peachy. But, at ground level, here on terra firma americana, things are drastically different. Banks are failing; Airlines are dropping like flies; Gas prices are astronomical; Food prices are going thorough the ceiling; Lay-offs are increasing; The Dollar is practically worthless; and the rhetoric coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is becoming harder to stomach as time progresses.

Yesterday, President Bush adamantly refuted the fact that the Nation is in a dire financial condition; He claimed that things aren't really so bad. That the economy is growing, the production rate is increasing, yada, yada, yada. What? As David Letterman is known to say. What?
Isn't peculiar, when at about the same time in Washington D.C., Ben Bernanke the Chairman of the FED, expressed the opposite of what Bush, blatantly denied? Bernanke told Congress that inflation "is too high" and reiterated that the Fed's aim is to achieve price stability.1

The President is out of touch, and is becoming more and more like a Latin American Dictator. Remember the photo opportunity on the Aircraft Carrier "Mission Accomplished" speech? He flew an aircraft onto that Navy Ship himself, in full in Air Force flight suit and helmet!

Was that reminiscent of Roger Ramjet, or what?
Or, was it more like Ramfis Trujillo (the eldest son of Dominican dictator Rafael L. Trujillo) who would fly himself from the Caribbean to Paris, France to attend a Polo match?

Firstly, he refuses to acknowledge his errors. Secondly, he has converted the American Constitution into a rag with which he blows his nose when he notices a nasal drip. He has created along with his cronies the behemoth that is the Dept.of Home Land Security; He has suspended habeas corpus rights, and implemented intrusive surveillance through his Patriot Acts; A gross misnomer; There's nothing patriotic about these restrictive "restraints on freedom" by any stretch of the imagination. Exchanging Rights for Security? Give us a break!
Is this still the United States of America? Or this the North American Union?

Lastly, he has single-handedly (I really doubt he's done this all by his own) transformed the thriving prosperous republic, that existed until he assumed his 'Iron Fist' regime; By subverting most of the established institutions provided by the U.S. Constitution: The Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness of the U.S. Citizenry; And the Check and Balances placed on the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of the American Constitutional Republic.
Beyond all this, the professed Methodist Bush is so much a kindred spirit with Benedict XVI, that he pulled out all the stops to paint the town red when his "mentor" came to D.C. Where was the separation of Church and State, on that occasion? On a Roman holiday? The Bishop of Rome is not only a head of a state (The Vatican), he's also head of Roman Catholic Church? As an American president you shouldn't endorse a particular religion, while exercising presidential duties; It's not Constitutional. Remember, the American motto: No pope, or King, but, Jesus.

Juan Francscio Peron

So, Jorge Arbusto is really like the Generalissimos of our Monroe Doctrine south, of yesteryear. They say that to remember is to re-live..Oh the memories.. It's like a renaissance all of the sudden with the United States becoming like a Latin American Dictatorship, with a Tejano at the helm. By the way, where's Jeb???
Mamasita, donde esta Santa Claus?
P.S. Remember the call for Pervez Musharaff The Chief of Pakistan to lose the uniform?

