
Monday, July 21, 2008

The Untouchable Terrorist beyond the Guantanamo Fence

There's a Terrorist that no military tribunal will ever judge. He lives in the lap of luxury. He is idolized the world over; popes regularly visit his island and he puts on a big show. This 'friendly terrorist" is Fidel Castro the Jesuit trained despot of Cuba who has ruled that island nation since 1959. The longest lasting dictator in the Western hemisphere; Perhaps, the longest lasting tyrant in the entire world. Yet, he will not be tried. He's the 'friendly' enemy of the U.S. Embargoes have been in place since the 1960's, and yet congressmen and celebrities flock to his Dictator-dom in droves. Mexico and Canada have traditionally been used as a lay-over (for an indirect flight to Cuba) for those wishing to fly to Castro's nightmare theme park, in spite of the U.S. restrictions on its citizens visiting the "Island Prison" (Prison Island). Until recently, Castro would visit New York City and address the world at the United Nations, any time he wanted to; and was provided head of state police protection, at taxpayer's expense. But, wait: Protection for a Terrorist?

Fidel Castro has through the years sent wave after, wave of saboteurs and infiltrators to subvert the American free-nation; Yet, no indictments have ever been placed on him. On the other hand, Panama had Manuel Noriega defy the U.S. and the country was invaded; hundreds of Panamanians slaughtered to get Noriega, who hid in the Vatican's Nunciature; He was eventually apprehended and has been kept in a dungeon since the intervention. Yet, Castro, the Beast remains sleeping in his own bed. Fidel has exported revolutions and subversive troops around the world, and nothing has stopped him. It seems as he has a "Carte Blanche" to do his own will, without any one's interference. During 1980 Castro emptied the jails and mental institutions when the U.S. decided to allow the migration of a herd that had barged into the Peruvian Embassy compound. Jimmy "the turkey" Carter allowed more than 200,000 of these bandits, and morons to settle in the U.S.; At taxpayer's expense, no less.

During the 1960's the greatest fear of the flying public was to be high-jacked to Cuba; Back then airplanes were commandeered and routed to Cuban over and over again. Did anyone retaliate against the friendly dictator and his regime? No, the high-jackers (terrorists with a little "t") just got tired of High-Jacking, and stopped. Even terrorists like a little resistance.

Drove after drove of boat people arrive in Florida seeking free-dom (free food, free housing, free money), and Castro and his "cute" tyranny continue unabated. Meanwhile this week Guatanamo, the little south eastern land-lease appendix of the U.S. in Cuba is now beginning to try the "Islamo-Fascist Terrorist of the War on Terror". What a farce? What a Sham, a travesty of justice. When "Don" Fidel has played an unfair war against the U.S. for over 50 years, and he's not brought to trial? But, these Afghan, Pakistani, and Muslim poor devils have been rounded up and kept in blind-folds, in solitary confinement for 7 years; For possessing weapons of mass distraction? For fighting against the invaders of Afghanistan is more likely. Yet, Fidel is now retired and sleeping happily in his own bed. The Cuban Menace has done more to subvert the U.S. than all the prisoners in GITMO, combined.

Here's a bit of irony: The Afghans fought for years against the Russians, when they were called the Mujaheddin.

Since the Soviet Union collapsed the Taliban became the rulers of Afghanistan. After 9-11, the U.S. bombed the living daylights out of Afghanistan looking for the culprits of the 9-11 attacks; What they scrounged up was a hand full of rag-tag wanna-be freedom fighters, now called Terrorists. So now, America picks up where the USSR left off. I wonder why all the obsession with occupying Afghanistan? Poppy goes the weasel. Did I say Poppy? Afghanistan is the world's greatest producer of poppy for the international demand for opium. Opium production has increased astronomically since 9-11. Yet, who's being tried? Not the bankers in London, Hong Kong, Rome, New York or Havana. Not, The natural beneficiaries of the international drug crime trade, Nope, the poor devils caught in the caves where Osama Bin Ladin 'supposedly' (according to "Army Intelligence") should have been. Maybe, Bin Laden is hiding in Fidel Castro's house? He'll never get caught there.......

I remember the words that were uttered not too long ago:
"Let the world open up to Cuba, and Cuba open up to the world".
