
Monday, August 18, 2008

"You can't be pro-life, and be pro-war"

I saw that enigmatic, bombastic bumper sticker again. Personally, I'm pro life, but I'm also against killing (humans) of any kind. Today, while driving I spotted the sticker, on a car ahead of me: "You can't be Catholic and pro-abortion". Then, I thought about this past weekend having heard one of John McCain's sound bytes, "I'm pro life". So, today I thought to myself; You can't be pro life and pro-war. What a catchy slogan? It's trendy and a true statement: "You can't be pro-life, and be pro-war". It's that simple! Either he is or he isn't, no middle ground. This is a conflict of principles; either you are for life or for death. Like the pregnant analogy. You can't be half...
So, Mr. McCain, you can't be pro-life? If you promote war! These are contradictory concepts.