
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blank Check Bail-out, or a Jamaica Switch?

This is not a question of when or if? It's simply a question of why and how.
How can the taxpayers pay for errors that Wall-mart-Street High Rollers committed now be thrown on the laps of the unsuspecting, uninvolved citizens? No ticket, no laundry; That's what they say in 'The City', not the strange financial headquarters in London.

When they had The Stimulus Effort checks earlier this year, which amounted to chump change for America's Working Class ranging from $300-$600 per taxpayer. This was really a pittance compared to what this Bail Out Formula will cost the public. When a person filed to receive this paltry amount, if they owed any federal taxes, that stimulus amount was retained and used (supposedly applied to the debt) to pay off such debt. Well, what's good for the gosling should be good for the Gander: The Goose that lays golden eggs can not pay for the foolish mistakes that the Gander made, it's not laissez-faire, it's not free enterprise, it's not survival of the fittest; Darwin's principle of "natural selection"; It's actually Counter-Evolutionary. It defies science. And we wouldn't want that after 12 years to 16 years of government (indoctrination) education in the benefits of The Evolutionary Theory? Would we?

So, I say let the bums suffer the consequences for their rash moves. Does Uncle Sam pick up the tab when Joe Public can't make his mortgage payments on their only home? No, they must find a means to pay that note, or get foreclosed and even become homeless. Why then should the government offer these CEO, and TRADERS, a free ride? So, they can go back to Greenwich Connecticut and celebrate another day they fooled the naive citizenry? So they can maintain their multiple home, bi-coastal, jet-set, Country Club, Ivy League, Platinum American Express Card standard of living? Vacationing in Bali, skiing in Vail Colorado, surfing in Belize, and going on safaris in Chad? Need I digress any further to prove the point? Joe Hackensack, or Sue Kalamazoo need financial help, yet, will their representative government come through for them, or you? No, they want to bail-out the guys that wait for their flights in VIP Lounges, and once on that aircraft, they sit in the front of that airplane behind that curtain called First Class. If there was ever a time to put your foot down and say "NO MAS", it's now. Bush is now Bum Rushing Congress like he did with Invading Iraq, The Surge, Staying The Course (my this a big dinner!), WMD's, etc; to give their nod of approval to deliver the goods to the waiting Billionaires and Millionaires who will benefit from the latest Con Game, The Jamaica Switch.*

This is just a good old boys ploy, a wink and a nod way to break the bank and continue the fleecing of the Economy.
