
Monday, September 22, 2008

In a New York Minute: News Flashes in a Pan

This morning on CBS's the Early Show, Live from New York City: The Heart Beat of The Nation, I saw a few News Sound Bytes that were revealing at best, and cryptic at the same time. Several Talking Heads delivered descriptive lines about the times in which we live; Some of the faces were familiar, and were identifiable, others were just garden variety flash in the pan characters. The headlines were focused on the Treasury Department's proposal for a $700 Billion Bail- Out. The One-Liners were immediately etched on my mind; And if they startled me, I suppose that it probably shook-up others as well.
  • "Capitalism without Bankruptcy is like Religion without Hell'. Mentioned an unidentified young man before the Television Camera. The segment was referring to the $700 Billion Plan to keep the boat economy afloat. They played the roulette, why should we pay? To me this made so much sense I decided, I'd write about it.
  • 'They'll be rioting on the streets if something isn't done'. This is somewhat the words that Senator Chris Dodd D-Connecticut, used to explain what would happen if the proposed $700B, or some other amount weren't allocated to prevent further deterioration to the economy. Rioting in the Streets? So, it's out in the open, there have been rumors on the NET for months that Congress has been having Closed-Door Sessions. Speculators can only suggest that what they've been discussion is just what the Senator alluded to. The situation is not as rosy as the president previously assured the public! This is truly going to be a HOT Day on Wall Street, and in Washington D.C, the propaganda capital of 'the good economy'.
  • "We're lucky to have jobs in this Turkey Burger Economy". Actress Tina Fey, one of the Emmy winners, said in a nano-second segment, while receiving an award. This is the tip of the iceberg, when a well to do yuppie actor lets out a sour note about the economy. Bravo for Tina Fey! If it's hard for the jet-set, it's got to be pretty tough for the rest of the citizens. Note, I am a vegetarian and have no use for flesh foods (not to blow my horn), but when Turkey becomes a sign of the times, it's not the leanness of the meat that she was referring to; But, the low-fat economy. Hunger is in the wings. Where's the beef? It (Merrill Lynch) ain't bullish no more. It's Open Season on Turkey! It's like the 70's all over again, except now the Turkey's in the White House, and on the Pantry.

1. 2. 3. Three Strikes in a row! You're out!..................Economymiester.
