
Friday, September 26, 2008

The Roots of the U.N.

Posted: Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Roots of the UN
Rockefeller fingerprints all over it
Brasscheck TV

Nelson Rockefeller
Nelson Rockefeller

ockefeller-controlled Standard Oil was the biggest company in terms of revenues and profits that has ever existed (adjusted for inflation.)

Among other things, the Rockefeller family:

1. Funded and fueled the Nazi Party

2. Participated in a massive nationwide scheme to buy up and destroy local electric street car systems and replace them with diesel buses

3. Controls the agenda for cancer treatment, forwarding chemotherapy and discouraging research into prevention and natural cures.

I wasn't aware of how closely involved the Rockefellers were in the funding of the United Nations.

It's fascinating how the organization arose out of thin air with the Rockefellers paying all the bills. Note that the check to pay for the headquarters came from the Rockefeller family owned bank Chase Manhattan.

Rudolph Giuliani
Rudolph Giuliani

Yes, that's Rudolph Giuliani introducing the video.

"A force for freedom and peace in the world..."

That's what US presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani called David Rockefeller and the Rockefeller family in a video posted to Brasscheck TV last week.

Anyone who knows the history of the Rockefeller family knows what a crock this is.

Here's more video from this obscure and little known meeting meant to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the United Nations. It took place in the 1990s when Giuliani was still mayor of New York.

More video from this meeting:

Giuliani and David Rockefeller

Wes Penre

Wes Penre is the owner of the domain Illuminati News and the publisher of the same. Please also check out his MySpace website:


Brasscheck TV: The Roots of the UN
Brasscheck TV: Who Will Be the Next President?

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