
Friday, October 24, 2008

White Powder Illusions?

White Powder Distractions?

Again, we're lambasted with another white powder in an envelope story;

This time its target is Chase, as in JP Morgan-Chase. Or is the intended target, our attention? If this isn't a ruse or a ploy, I don't know what it is? The last time we heard of elusive White Powder Posts, was just after September 111, 20011. Well, the white powder enigma is back!

  • Greenspan (the salesman) is summoned from retirement to appear before Congress to explain what has happened to the Economy. This is like demanding your money back form the used car salesman after you've driven a vehicle to Florida.

  • Obama raised a record $150 Million in September; Thursday (yesterday), he went to visit his elderly grandma in Hawaii. Just like Little Red Riding Hood.

  • Sarah Palin is now accused of using $150,000 federal funds to buy wardrobes for herself and family. Will the SNL shenanigans skit with Tina Fey continue, or will the real Sarah finally stand up? SNL: Smut Nonsense Liberals; Childish defecation, flatulence, gross humor, etc.

  • McCain is going to Colo-RAD-o on the Joe the Plumber Express, while the polls are constantly show (so the talking heads reiterate) that he's way behind in the race. Which brings to mind, the Bradley Effect. But, Mac keeps chugging along, promising change is coming.

My response to all the white powder, smoke and mirrors is:

Forget Obama;

Where's Osama Bin Laden?

And while we're on the subject; Where is Bin Laden?

Yeah, Joe "the stealth" Biden!