
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Is The "Hard Sell" Regime coming to its end?

Here are a few of the highlights in the progression of the Hard Sell Era:

After the destruction that took place during September 11, 2001; Bush called for the capture of Osama Bin Laden. The Hard Sell began with the calls for Bin Laden: WANTED DEAD or ALIVE; And, "Shock and Awe"; Bush pressed that we "would not waiver, falter, or fail". This was The Dawn of the Hard Sell.
The Prez quipped:
"You are either with us, or with the Terrorists".

At the U.N. Bush said that if it (the U.N.) didn't invade the culprits of our attacks: Iraq and Afghanistan; It would be "irrelevant"; We will go it alone!

Afterwards, it was bomb Afghanistan ASAP, where Osama was "supposedly hiding" with the Taliban.

Then, the focus changed to Saddam Hussein, and Iraq. Get Saddam, his Bath Party, and Uday and Qusay Hussein. Get Saddam and his henchmen PDQ. The Hard Sell continued.

The rationale was then hatched that "it was better to fight TERRORISM over there, than to have to fight it here". This became a repetitive mantra. Act now, or risk another 911.

Next, after the Afghanistan Blitzkrieg, and the 'triumphant invasion' of Iraq, came a constant clamor for a "Surge": Another way of saying escalation of occupying forces in Iraq. Send more troops, yesterday. More, more troops needed! Hurry up and send 'em.

The Hard Sell continued with repeated suggestions that we "Stay The Course". Time will prove that the President and His Men, were right in following their bellicose track. We must stay on this course, no equivocations. No doubt about it.

The High Pressure Sales Techniques continued with one issue turning into another. Still, the Sense of Urgency was always stressed. Act now, or else!

  • The Iraq Study Group;
  • The Petraeus Report;

Then, last year the fruits of this hell-bent, haphazard lust for control began to reflect itself in the nation's economy. When President Bush was question during one of those "press conferences", he responded: The Economy is fine, and in good shape.

The Economy took a turn for the worse when major firms and corporations began to go bankrupt:

  • Global Crossing Ltd.
  • WorldCom Inc.
  • Conseco Inc.
  • Nationwide
  • Bear Stearns
  • IndiMac Bank
  • Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
  • Washington Mutual
  • Fannie Mae
  • Freddie Mac

Here's a list of Banks that went bankrupt during the Financial Crisis:

The Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis hit the public where it hurts, in the pockets.

Suddenly, it was stressed that it was urgent to approve a Bail-Out Extravaganza, ranging from $700 Billion, to the actual $850 Billion that was finally approved. $850,000,000,000 Dollars that the American Tax-Payers have to pay (back) the Federal Reserve with interest*.

This was imperative; Bush remarked or else the Economy would crash. What a reversal of opinions in a matter of months. What was he thinking? The Hard Sell is "ratcheted-up a few notches", to include: Riots and unrest if the 'neat' bail-out package wasn't approved.

Henry Paulson of the Treasury Department, and Ben Bernanke of the FED (Not Federal, and has no reserves), stepped into the mix to add their professional expertise. They also called for immediate approval of a corporate infusion of cash. More, more, more money.

If credit got us into this mess; How can borrowing money that we don't have, and "doesn't exist, remedy the situation". There will be hades to pay!

The most recent clamor is for bailing-out the Big Boys: GM, Ford, and Chrysler (formerly known as Daimler-Chrysler). Bail out the Sales Force (Car Sales) with the Hard Sell of cantankerous vehicles that have become less economical in spite of the 1973 Oil Embargo. What have they done for the last 35 years? Grown fat and rich? Forgotten the days of rationing gas, odd and even days? Yet, they build their escapist SUV's for a clientele that has lost touch and fallen asleep at the wheel mesmerized by the Hard Sell.

The Selling Continues!

Are you going to continue buying this delusion of prosperity, when a collapse and the bill collectors are around the bend.

When will it end January 20, 2009? I doubt it: I see a pattern here.

And the band plays on: It's the heartbeat of America, Today's Chevrolet.

Don't forget to buy your Cadillac Pick-up Truck. Going Fast!
P.S. I forgot AIG!