
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

‘Jonah,’ an Adventist, Appears at Pentagon Prayer Breakfast

Jonah,’ an Adventist, Appears at Pentagon Prayer Breakfast

Dick Stenbakken’s ‘characters’ a hit in nation’s capital

A retired Seventh-day Adventist pastor is making a big impression in Washington, D.C. -- and he’s doing it ‘undercover.’

Former U.S. Army chaplain, Christian author, and much-in-demand presenter, Dr. Dick Stenbakken, spoke at the Pentagon Prayer Breakfast on December 3. Well-known for his gripping presentations of biblical characters, Stenbakken once again spoke to a packed house. This time, he portrayed the biblical character of Jonah.

Stenbakken also presented at the U.S. Senate Bible Study Luncheon this Friday, Dec. 5. Other past presenters for the U.S. Senate Bible Study Luncheon include well-known Christians, such as Rick Warren. This will be the fourth time Stenbakken has presented at this event.

Stenbakken is a frequent speaker at conventions, hospitals, youth rallies, and colleges, because of his compelling, first-person portrayals of Bible characters that bring the ancient stories to life and into modern-day context. He has been a guest on the Trinity Broadcast Network as well as Adventist-owned Hope TV. In addition, he has performed at the Army Chief of Chaplains Senior Leadership Conference and the National Association of Evangelicals Chaplains’ Conference, as well as for other events around the globe.

Stenbakken, who has a doctorate and five master’s degrees, spends hours researching each character he portrays, right down to the clothing they would have worn. His performances are described as one of kind.

Dr. Barry C. Black, U.S. Senate chaplain, says, “Dick Stenbakken has presented his powerful first-person biblical characters multiple times at our Friday U. S. Senate Bible Study events. He has been richly received with rave reviews from those attending.”

Stenbakken, who personalizes each Bible character he portrays, says, “How many people have ever wondered what it would be like to meet Moses or have lunch with Jonah? I know I have, and I want people to see these characters as real people, who lived and breathed.”

Stenbakken also has his first book coming out this spring, based on one of the characters he portrays. The book, The Centurion, is being published with Pacific Press, based in Nampa, Idaho.

A sample of Stenbakken’s performances can be viewed on YouTube at

-- reported by Nicole Batten with AR staff.


P.S. undercover?....................Arsenio.