
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hillary Clinton seeks 'smart power'

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared at a daylong confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as President-elect Barack Obama's choice for secretary of state.
This is like deja vu all over, again.
She read a written speech during the hearings, and spoke of what she will attempt to accomplish as Obama's Secretary of State. She actually read a line that stated that the President-elect and I..... Now, does she need to read statements such as what she intends to do, even "the president-elect, and I"? Afterwards, Senator Clinton answered questions posed to her by Senator John Kerry of the Foreign Relations Committee (FCR). That sure sounds a bit like the CFR: The Council on Foreign Relations, the prolific Washington special interest group. Wasn't President-elect Obama in that same (FCR) Committee? Don't they call these letter changes, Anagrams?1
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday that she intends to revitalize the mission of diplomacy in American foreign policy, calling for a "smart power" strategy in the Middle East and implicitly criticizing the Bush administration for having downgraded the role of arms control.2
I wonder if anyone thought of Madeleine Albright when they Hillary Clinton attempting to assume the post that Albright held while Bill Clinton was President. "Impact ’08 wants to ensure that the next President is committed to greater investment in development and diplomacy to build a better, safer world. We hope the Presidential candidates and their advisers are listening.”Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State, 1997-2001 Impact '08 Co-Chair.3
I couldn't help but notice several instances in which Hillary was at a loss of words, and would stall by using, ummh, ummh, to fill the gaps in between getting her words together. It seems that Politicians can't be candid or spontaneous; If they aren't reading a scripted speech they have to feel their way around direct questions asked of them. What a shame that change really means more of the same.
If you thought that Hillary's Universal Medical Insurance plans were peculiar; Wait until she starts negotiating in international affairs with this "smart power"? I'll have to wait to see how profound an impact her expertise will cause. Maybe, all the change we'll see is an 'Anagram'.

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