
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Barack Obama and the "Uh" Counter

Barack Obama and the "Uh" Counter

February 05, 2009 by

Barack Obama and his constant use of "Uh" has prompted people to jump on the bandwagon of counting his "Uh" moments. David Letterman featured an "Uh" counter on his show and since watching that episode I have noticed that there are more and more of this similar type thing on YouTube. Barack Obama and his constant "Uh" will provide laughs for a long time to come for many people.
One of the best ways to access videos on YouTube of Barack Obama and his "Uh" is just to simply type in Barack Obama Uh. I have turned up several this way and I have yet to watch all of them. One is even a mixture between Barack Obama and his "Uh" counter along with Beavis and Butthead.

Growing up my mother had taught me that to use "Uh" or "hmm" when speaking was a sign that a person did not fully know what he/she was talking about. In addition my mother had said that using the word "Uh" or "Hmm" while speaking made it look as if a person was trying to think up a quick lie. She told me instead to take my time and think my words over carefully before responding. I still hold to this aspect when listening to my own children speak. When asking them a direct question and their response is "Uh" I am quick to point out to them that they look like they are trying to think up a quick lie. The thing is though is that I am usually right, my boys are trying to think up a quick lie to get them out of trouble.

Does our president really understand the way he looks when he starts using that word? I am not sure it is even a word but more like a sound. Did not one around him think to point out to him the way he sounds when he does that? I am not yet sure of him as a president as it will take time for him to prove himself. That is the natural course of things with any new president and he will have his rough patches before settling in and show the world what type of president he really will be. Until that moment though he can continue to entertain the world on television and YouTube. After all Nixon had Watergate, Bill Clinton had Monica Lewinsky and Barack Obama will have "Uh".