
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Frebruary 17, 2009 "The Beginning Of The End"

February 17, 2009 is finally here.

The date was first mentioned in the summer of 2008;

It was constantly mentioned....Repetitiously...over, and over again.

They foretold that U.S. Television Stations would switch from transmission of programs in analog format to digital. Miraculously, last week an extension was legislated at the last minute; The switch was postponed or extended until June 2009.

However, In spite of the law several local T.V. stations will still stop transmitting in analog format this evening. Those without cable, satellite, or a converter box won't get that station's signal anylonger.

Today is not only important because of the Digital Switch (that didn't really happen); But, also because President Obama signed the Economic Stimulus Package. He didn't sign it in Washington D.C., on Capitol Hill; No, he decided to make a photo op of the occasion. Vice President Joe Biden looked on, as President Obama signed the bill into law at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science in Denver, Colorado. They showed the President signing the bill on the CBS Evening News; He signed it with a cursive "B".

Boy, all the ceremony, all those flags, all the suspense; for a "B"?

What a coincidence that the much anticipated day, the much dreaded day turned out to be a double whammy. Just a fluke? A case of happenstance? Well, I wonder?

This afternoon as I drove home, I tuned in on a talk show on the radio. They were discussing the Stimulus Package: One caller stated that someone told her that the only reason President Obama signed the bill in such haste was because Nancy Pelosi had to deliver it signed to the Pope; Another caller, asked if President Obama had read the bill before he signed it? (It's more than 800 pages)

It has truly been an interesting day. I wonder how much more change awaits us? I shudder as I ponder on whether more demands for additional Billions will come from Washington;

This time without a target date.

February 17, 2009. What a date? Should we celebrate?

I know I will remember this day vividly.

After signing the bill President Obama said, among other things:

"This is the beginning of the end".

I couldn't say it better, myself!
