
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tom Hanks Saves the Vatican

Tom Hanks Saves the Vatican

Posted at: 2009-02-17 09:08:00.0
Author: James Martin, S.J.

At least he’s not saying that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, that Opus Dei murders people and that the Vatican has misled believers about Christ for 2,000 years.

Here’s a trailer and behind-the-scenes look at the new Ron Howard film “Angels & Demons,” which looks marginally less silly than “The Da Vinci Code” (as does Mr. Hanks’s hair.) The flick opens on May 15, and promises to be another smash hit worldwide.

Apparently, the Illuminati are planning to blow up the Vatican in a fit of pique. Note how many time “the church” is mentioned in the first few seconds of this clip, and not in a good way. “Some believe that the Illuminati are still with us in secret,” says Howard. Some say that Dan Brown has been trading in anti-Catholic tropes (and yes, I've read the book) that would be greeted with outrage by other groups. But just some.

James Martin, SJ



First the book by Dan Brown, now the Movie...

This film has been anticipated for so long, and promoted immensely that in can only be a masterpeice.....of deception.

"The hand is quicker than the eye"!
