
Sunday, May 17, 2009

NBC: Meet the Press, Meet the Jesuits!

NBC Meet The Press with David Gregory

As David Gregory started the Sunday Morning program, he introduced the two featured guest; He then proceeded to mention that they were both Roman Catholics:

Chairman Steele, both of you as Catholics, should Notre Dame have a pro-abortion rights president get a degree and address the graduates?

So much hoopla is being raised over Obama speech at Notre Dame, and him receiving an honorary degree at the Commencement Ceremony there.

Where was the uproar or the protests when Obama gave a (U.S. Economy) Financial Speech at the Jesuit Georgetown University, recently?

Tim Kaine:

He attended Harvard Law School, taking a year-long break during law school to work with the Jesuit order as a Roman Catholic missionary in Honduras.

Michael Steele:

During the interview he alluded to his High School:

Archbishop Carroll Roman Catholic High School in Washington, D.C.
After graduating, Steele spent three years as a seminarian in the Order of St. Augustine in preparation for the priesthood.
Steele then entered the Georgetown University Law Center,

Is this what you call an interview about different opinions?

Is this what they call equal access? Dissenting opinions?

We're really in the midst of the subversion of the U.S. Constitution;

When both parties are controlled by the Roman Catholic Church and the CFR/Trilateral Commission Cabal.

Head to Head (?): Two birds of the same feather?

Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee


Tim Kaine, the Virginia governor who chairs the Democratic National Committee

Topics Discussed:
  1. Notre Dame Honorary Law Degree when Obama speaks today at commencement speech. His views on Abortion!
  2. Vacancy at the U.S. Supreme Court.

  3. Rush Limbaugh and Colin Powell; Reference to Dick Cheney's latest press releases.

  4. Nancy Pelosi, CIA, Water Boarding.

Part II

The Round Table (Royal Institute of International Affairs, Begun in the late 1800's by Cecil Rhodes)

RON BROWNSTEIN Political Director, Atlantic Media Columnist, National Journal

RICHARD HAASS President, Council on Foreign Relations Author, "War of Necessity, War of Choice: A Memoir of Two Iraq Wars"

JON MEACHAM Editor, Newsweek magazine

PEGGY NOONAN Columnist, Wall Street Journal

Again, David Gregory continued the program after the mid-way break; This time with a panel of journalists, plus Richard Haass, President of the CFR.

Now, Why is the opinion (R. Haass) of a covert manipulator of Global Affairs solicited for the American public? Does it really matter what he says on TV, when he is part of (secret society) the NWO Elite implementing World Government? Will he be truthful, or forthright? I think this is a means of conditioning the public to listen to a recognized CFR member expressing his (fit for general consumption) vague views, while preparing them for further manipulation. It's the old "Boiling the frog technique". Wow, those CFR guys are just regular guys after all......... I say,Gibberish!

Read who the CFR is, and what their plans are, then decide if this Richard Haass (recurring talking head) is really on the level. He's becoming part of the furniture at the Sunday (funnies) Morning CBS/ABC/NBC Editorial News programs. Talk about trying to convince us that he's one of the guys! They're trying a tid-bit too hard, and it shows! And plugging his book, "War of Necessity, War of Choice" I believe on several occasions was totally senseless.

Or, is there really a purpose for that plug?

On a positive note though, Peggy Noonan (RC), was hilarious, but on point when she said:
"Dazed and Confused" is no way to have a press conference; Referring to Nancy Pelosi's (countenance: disheveled, nodding, watery eyes) National TV attempt to deny that she knew anything about the "enhanced interrogations", under the Bush regime.

[My Comments in Arial fonts.] Arsenio.